What are the community style dorms like at CSU Fresno?

I chose community style because I heard you get to meet people whereas suite style you don’t. I’m new to the Fresno area so I would like to meet other students on campus
So can anyone tell me what its like community style? thank you!

I lived in the community dorm Graves for two years and I must say I loved almost every bit of it (the dining hall could have been a little better haha). My freshman year my whole floor, girls side and boys side, was like a big family. We utilized the junction on our floor which is like a living room for the entire floor to use. We had game nights and movie nights. If you took a walk down the hall on Graves second floor you would most likely see pretty much everybody stuffed into one room having a great time laughing and talking, at least three or four people in the junction at any time day or night, almost every single door wide open ready for others to walk in, or all of the above lol. The second year was good but many of the people from my freshman year had moved out so it was not the same. Now I know you’ve probably heard that community style bathrooms are horrible but the bathroom here at Fresno, at least the one I had to use for two years, stayed clean and the people on my floor really respected the fact that it was a shared area. There was never a line for the showers, I guess that could be contributed to the fact that I was always showering super late before I went to bed around one or two in the morning. Lastly like I said the dining hall could have been much better but it was not bad enough to make me move out after the first year. It is very convenient and now that I live off campus I actually miss being able to walk to the dining hall whenever I got hungry. All in all it was an amazing experience that I feel like I would not have gotten if I lived in the suites let alone off campus. Community style is much more social and it is way easy to make friends as long as you do not mind putting a little effort toward getting yourself out there.