<p>I would have to say:
Mass Media
International Current Events
Ohio and Its People
Not trying to insult people who may be interested in something related to these courses, but you really don't learn much in them.</p>
<p>Magic Years and other courses related to learning about babies</p>
<p>Kansas Natural History
In those two classes, they climb trees / dig in sand and call it science. </p>
<p>Intermediate Algebra. It’s Algebra II all over again for credit. The students that take this will take College Algebra their senior year - aka Algebra II 3.0</p>
<p>Stagecraft. It would be fine if they counted it as an art credit, but it’s an English credit! I don’t get it. </p>
<p>Accounting, Business Essentials, and Entrepreneurship. All we do is keyboarding drills and watch Shark Tank. </p>
<p>Parenting, humanities, sports medicine, health, gym, career and finance, sports and entertainment marketing.</p>
<p>Marine Biology- Doesn’t meet any science requirements
American Sign Language- Colleges don’t count this as a foreign langauge
Mythology- Really?
<p>Personal development, any english class, any art class.</p>
<p>Keyboarding. If you can’t type on a keyboard, find a computer, whether you have to go to the public library or whatever, and learn. It should take 3-4 days, not months.</p>
<p>Advanced Math IV- It’s just Algebra 2 all over again. It’s required to graduate and is a pre-req for PreCalc
Landscaping- I don’t know what they do but I can’t imagine it’s much
Forestry- They just walk around in the woods outside of our school
Computer Math- It’s not even a real math class</p>
<p>Life Skills – I don’t even know. I did not learn anything. I took it in the summer, but it’s also a semester class, which I cannot imagine at all. </p>
<p>The Asian Languages – only those who are that ethnicity and already speak the language actually have the skills to get a decent score on the AP tests. </p>
<p>History, non-AP – the teachers don’t care. They just assign useless ■■■■. </p>
<p>Astronomy – nobody even selects this class. </p>
<p>APES – nobody gets a good score on the AP test. </p>
<p>I think those are all the ones people talk about. There might be more.</p>
<p>I guess it depends on what you count as useless. I would want to say any IB theatre class, though they aren’t useless in that they can get you easy IB credits. </p>
<p>Orientation to Life and Careers, the required Freshman class that changes names every two years. Waste of my time.</p>
<p>Government (not AP). Useless if you took APUSH, because you don’t learn anything new. </p>
<p>Earth and Space science. The science you take if you can’t take biology your freshman year.</p>
<p>We always have a couple of religious classes that end up being fluff and ranting on the part of the teachers.
We also have a communications course that basically ends up being the teacher spending the period talking about how adorable her niece is.</p>
<p>Peace Studies, Comparative Religion, Financial Literacy, Bridge to Alg 2, Anthropology
I think their stupid, though I’m sure a lot of people find them interesting</p>
<p>Building relationships. Mostly about how to have a friend and things.
Cryptography. I thought this would be an interesting course, you know, secret writing! But apparently it is such a low level class where I go it’s taken if you won’t even hit algebra II, I think, and they don’t even offer it every year…
Psych. The teacher agrees with sleeping in class. Commends it, even.
AP Enviro. The AP science for people that hate science but don’t academically qualify for anything else…</p>
<p>Culinary Arts. From what I understand, it is impossible to get below an A in it.</p>
<p>Latin derivations- the Latin teacher literally just writes a bunch of Latin words on the board and you have to write down English words that are similar. He tells some pretty interesting stories about his life, though.
Environmental science- for people who failed chemistry. Their projects are usually just playing environment-related video games.
Freshman Computer- come on, we all know how to use a computer. No one learns anything here.</p>
<p>@puellmagi - There are environment-related video games? Can you give me some examples? (This isn’t APES, correct?)</p>
<em>snickers again</em></p>
<p>Novels for Young Readers. Kids take turns bringing in children’s books to read out loud. It’s kind of awesome, really, but you don’t learn anything. </p>
<p>@observeraffect I haven’t take the class, and it’s not an AP. My friend took it and I think she said that Sim Safari is one of the games that they have to play.</p>
<p>@puellamagi - I figured as much from you’re description. Sim Safari sounds fun, but is it as good as Sim Life (we played it in my Middle School Biology class for couple of weeks, good game)?</p>