What are the pros and cons of Texas A&M? Is ChatGPT right?

As Decision Day looms closer and many students are figuring out which school to attend I thought it might be helpful to ask ChatGPT about the pros and cons of certain schools. Here’s what it said about Texas A&M University.

Is this information correct? What are your pros and cons? Let us know in the comments below!

Texas A&M University is a large public university located in College Station, Texas, with additional campuses in other parts of Texas. Like any institution, it has its strengths and weaknesses, which I will outline below:


  1. Strong Academics: Texas A&M is one of the top research universities in the country and offers a wide variety of programs across numerous fields. Many of its programs, particularly in engineering and agriculture, are ranked among the best in the country.
  2. School Spirit: Texas A&M is known for its strong sense of community and school spirit. The Aggie Network, the university’s alumni association, is one of the largest in the world and provides a strong support system for current and former students.
  3. Size and Resources: With over 69,000 students enrolled, Texas A&M is one of the largest universities in the country. This allows it to offer a wide range of resources and opportunities to its students, including numerous clubs and organizations, research opportunities, and access to state-of-the-art facilities.
  4. Strong Athletics: Texas A&M has a strong athletic program, particularly in football, and has won numerous conference and national championships over the years. Sports are an important part of campus culture and provide a source of pride for many students and alumni.


  1. Conservative Culture: Texas A&M is known for its conservative culture and can be less welcoming to students with more liberal political views. Some students may feel out of place or uncomfortable in this environment.
  2. Large Class Sizes: Because of its size, many classes at Texas A&M can be quite large, making it difficult for students to get individualized attention from professors.
  3. Limited Diversity: While Texas A&M has made efforts to improve diversity in recent years, it still has a long way to go. The student body is predominantly white and male, and some students may feel isolated or excluded as a result.
  4. Location: While College Station is a pleasant enough town, it is not particularly cosmopolitan or diverse. Some students may find the lack of cultural opportunities and diversity to be limiting.

Overall, Texas A&M is a strong institution with a lot to offer, particularly in the areas of academics and school spirit. However, like any institution, it has its drawbacks, and students should carefully consider whether it is the right fit for them.

“ Texas A&M has a strong athletic program, particularly in football, and has won numerous conference and national championships over the years.”

There’s a lot to dissect there.


In Fall 2022, the school was 53% male and 32% domestic persons of color.

The ‘lack of diversity’ generalization is outdated. Texas A&M is an HSI (meaning 25% Hispanic), and outside of Engineering, skews female. As just two markers I’d give as examples.

Also, I get the culture is overall ‘conservative’ relative to university-dom as a whole. That said, due to massive size of student body, just about anyone can find their tribe of like-minded students and feel at home.


Sorry for the late reply… but I agree with the others comments on diversity. As for the large classes, I grew up in a small town my whole life (like 1300 people in the whole town). I wanted both a smallish town vibe and a MASSIVE university. Conservative culture, you just need to find your people. There are conservatives and liberals at all colleges.

So overall I’d give ChatGPT a 5.5/10 for their assessment of TAMU


Why would A&M being a “ conservative school” be under “ cons”? Wouldn’t that be a positive for college students who have traditional, conservative family values? Most big state schools are liberal if not downright leftist. Do you list “liberal” under the “ cons” list for those schools, and describe those schools as “ less welcoming” to conservative students ?


I think it’s about perspective. If a potential applicant is considered to have a counter-conservative viewpoint or is part of a minority group that has historically felt discriminated against by conservatives (generally speaking), they may be apprehensive about feeling welcome. It’s a fair question, depending on your specific experiences or point of view. Conservative students applying to traditionally liberal colleges should also do their research.

There are 60k students at Tamu cstat. You have a whole range of people. If you can’t find someone with the same interests and or views, they just need to give it more time. There is a place for everyone and from what I see, an inclusivity and acceptance is common.

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I guess I just haven’t seen any descriptions of other schools as


  1. Leftist Culture: school X is known for its leftist culture and can be less welcoming to students with more conservative political views. Some students may feel out of place or uncomfortable in this environment.

Since you keep bringing it up, can you give an example of “conservative political views” that wouldn’t be welcomed at a “leftist” institution?

AI is wrong, it is so wrong that it is not close to the truth.
The major flaw of AI is the data source. At this early age, the source is only in internet and mostly social media. And media is bias.

AI cannot visit campus. Spend a trip on a school day and one will find out a lot of engineers hurrying to their labs and classes. Schedule is so tight a lot of exams are at night. Corp of Cadets are very diverse with almost all the races. And since it is a heavily STEM campus, one can see most of the faculties are Asian, European and Indian. There is rarely discussion of politics and government in school hours. Its liberal arts presence is small. Any left or right leaning impression is imposed by media and news.

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