<p>I'm just curious, what is each Ivy famous for? (Like Business, Sciences, Arts, Law, English, etc.)</p>
<p>Also, what schools offer pre-med or other related majors, since I want to be a doctor?</p>
<p>Thanks :P</p>
<p>I'm just curious, what is each Ivy famous for? (Like Business, Sciences, Arts, Law, English, etc.)</p>
<p>Also, what schools offer pre-med or other related majors, since I want to be a doctor?</p>
<p>Thanks :P</p>
<p>typical noob who posts the SAME question on ALL forums.
haha sorry, I just did the same thing about a week ago when I joined
its funny… anyway</p>
<p>Princeton - math!</p>
<p>wharton @ upenn for business</p>
<p>Dartmouth- Econ/ gov. </p>
<p>Yale- Arts? / Gov</p>
<p>Cornell- ENGS?</p>
<p>Brown- …uh…</p>
<p>Brown - Heehhhhhhh.
Harvard - Everything. They’re Harvard.
Yale - Gov/I dunno, theatre?
Cornell - Engineering
Penn - Business
Dartmouth - Econ/Gov
Columbia - Hmm. Gov, maybe?
Princeton - Being pretty.</p>
<p>Columbia is also known for its History course.</p>
<p>Brown - Heehhhhhhh.
Harvard - Everything. They’re Harvard.
Yale - Gov/I dunno, theatre?
Cornell - Engineering
Penn - Business
Dartmouth - Econ/Gov
Columbia - Hmm. Gov, maybe?
Princeton - Being pretty.</p>
<p>Haha. It’s 'cause Brown’s the worst Ivy right? Anyways, I live in Princeton and I don’t get what you mean by “being pretty?”</p>
<p>Princeton - Math, Physics</p>
<p>Princeton - When the going gets tough, the tough get going… to Princeton.</p>
<p>princeton- theyre really into serving the community, etc, in terms of the type of people they like. +math+having the princeton record exchange
yale has good arts?
cornell- engineering+architecture
Dave 1 from chromeo teaches french at columbia…</p>
<p>Harvard- More hollow arrogance and elitism than Dick Cheney
Yale- Urban decay, conspiracies for global domination and New World Order
Princeton- The social scene of an upper-class middle school (lunch tables revisited)
UPenn- These kids must be the smartest of them all, because they already have their whole lives figured out (shallow pre-professionalism)
Dartmouth- Wannabe country-club in country-bumpkin turf
Columbia- We in Harlem. 'Nuff said, foo.
Brown- Apparitions of Che Guevara appear periodically.
Cornell- Advanced standing granted to anyone with a passing grade on AP Suicide Watch</p>
<p>Good one on Cornell, although I think New World Order belongs to Princeton.</p>
<p>Brown’s awesome, w-t-f are you guys talking about? It’s complete freedom!</p>
<p>And why is this in the Princeton University thread? Forreal. A mod needs to move this.</p>
<p>Harvard - being the "clich</p>