What are the steps after acceptance?

can someone help me on what steps need to take after the acceptance?

I assume the following
a. pay the deposit
b. pay housing deposit
c. register for bama bound (I think it is for bonding right?) What are the dates? Do I register from mybama? What are parent and sibling orientation?) https://orientation.ua.edu/
d. take the placement test (when??)
e. prepare to begin college

Have I missed anything? Where can I find help on the above?
We had visited through honor college, but was disappointed on how it was handled.

I found a checklist

Bama Bound is partially about bonding. But the most important part of Bama Bound is that you sign up for classes.

The primary bonding events are the Action events and Camp 1831, both in August before school starts.

Yes, Bama Bound is where students register for classes that fall, so very important.

Here’s a link to the Honors Action page: https://honors.ua.edu/programs/honors-action/

I recommend that for any HC student coming long distances to UA. It’s a chance to move in early, before the huge crush of students the following week, and to learn your way around campus and make some friendships before classes start.

Camp 1831 is open to all incoming freshmen and transfer students: https://fye.sa.ua.edu/programs/camp1831/

Some students do both, but I think one or the other is fine for most students.