what are the strongest majors?

<p>the title speaks for itself. ^^</p>

<p>The social sciences are all very strong -- bio and geology are also fairly strong departments.</p>

<p>haha, I don’t even know. I always hear good things about art history, bio, chem, astronomy, and gender studies. I should ask someone who knows better and get back to you.</p>

<p>According to “Fiske Guide to Colleges 2009,” MHC’s strongest programs are English, Biology, Psychology, Economics, and International Relations. This summer during my visit to campus, I actually met with the former head of the English department (he still teaches at MHC) and learned that two professors of journalism, Alison Bass and Kathryn Manegold, have been hired to teach at MHC. MoHos don’t have to go to the UMass Amherst campus anymore to take courses in journalism, so I would consider these hirings an asset to the department.</p>

<p>Okay, so here’s the scoop:</p>

<p>Biology, Chemistry, International Relations, Psychology, English, Gender Studies, and Politics are generally thought of as the strongest. Art History and the languages are also strong. And the music department is supposed to be very supportive. Personally I’m a fan of the Philosophy department too. </p>

<p>And I asked about the Math Department, since I heard some people on the board say that we’re not as good for math. That’s apparently not true, but the department has that reputation because the intro level is not as strong. But apparently we had the most math majors (40) out of any liberal arts school in the country last year. The math department brings in some really good speakers and does unique research too. So, if you’re interested in math beyond the intro level, this is a good place to be. :)</p>

<p>I think Bryn Mawr has more math majors even though we are only half the size of Mount Holyoke. According to the 2007-08 Common Data Sets of both schools, 9% of the declared majors at Bryn Mawr are math majors but only 2% at Mount Holyoke.</p>

<p>My mistake. I shouldn’t have posted that without verifying (it came secondhand), though I checked and 3% of the declared majors here are math majors (which would equate to about 6%, if Mount Holyoke and Bryn Mawr were the same size). Anyway, the math majors from whom I got my info seemed pretty enthusiastic about the department. It’s not my area of interest and I don’t know many people in the department (and I’ve only talked to one professor in the department, Margaret Robinson, who’s REALLY helpful and sweet if you’re pre-med FYI :)). At this point I can just vouch for the sciences and philosophy, which are awesome IMO. And like I said, I always hear good things about English and Gender Studies. ;)</p>

<p>“two professors of journalism, Alison Bass and Kathryn Manegold, have been hired to teach at MHC.”</p>

<p>Awesome! Does that mean Moho will be offering Journalism as a major from now on? :x</p>

<p>I do not believe so, at least according to what Professor Weber told me.</p>

<p>I think they’re considering a journalism program of sorts but not a formal major.</p>

<p>How about Environmental Studies?</p>