What are UC requirements for a minor in Computer Science?

Do most UCs allow a student to do minor in Computer Science or Computer Information Systems? What are the requirements for that?
How many CS courses one needs to do for a CS minor degree?

My question is if I take Biology as Major or Public Health as Major, how difficult would it be to a Computer Science Minor?
My internships are in Medical Apps companies so would like to do both biology and CS.

Which UC’s? Are you a Freshman or Transfer?

For Berkeley 7 classes are required to get a minor, the 4 CS lower division classes that are required of all CS/EECS majors, and 3 upper division CS/EECS classes of your choice.

You need to check each schools website for what their CS minor requirements are and then work your academic advisor.

Link for UCD Minor: https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fucdavis.box.com%2Fs%2Ff6pitqfl2dbaqyrmqdvu3thpu5lhmg8k

Link for UCI Minor: https://www.ics.uci.edu/ugrad/degrees/degree_ics_minor.php

UCLA: No CS minor offered
UCSB: No CS minor offered

UCSC: Minor Requirements

Eleven courses are required for the computer science minor. These courses are:
Mathematics 11A and 11B or Mathematics 19A and 19B, or Mathematics 20A and 20B;
Applied Mathematics and Statistics 10 or Mathematics 21;
CMPS 12A/L (or Computer Engineering 13/L, or both CMPS 5J and CMPS 11);
Computer Engineering 16;
CMPS 101;
Two upper-division, computer science courses selected from the Breadth List for the computer science B.A. given above;
Two additional upper-division computer science courses.
Upper-division computer engineering and mathematics courses may not be applied toward the computer science minor. In addition, CMPS 19X courses may not be applied toward the computer science minor. There is no comprehensive examination or senior thesis requirement for the minor.

Thanks a lot for the info!
I am still a senior at high school and based on my GPA will get UCSC, UCR, UCM and Santa Clara Univ. I plan to do Major in Public Health and Minor in CS so just checking what are requirements for CS minor based on which I’ll decide on college.

No minor in CS at UC Merced.
UCR CS Minor: https://student.engr.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1536/files/2019-04/Request%20to%20declare_drop%20CS%20minor.pdf

CS minor at SCU: