What are y'all doing for Spring Break?

<p>Is your kid coming home?</p>

<p>Is he/she doing an alternate spring break, like a service project?</p>

<p>Are they going to the beach and having the typical college spring break?</p>

<p>Since they have to vacate the dorm, I’m guessing they’re not able to just stay on campus and study, so wondering what the kids are doing for that ten days.</p>

<p>Mine is just coming home.</p>

<p>Can’t wait for D to come home for a whole week! She is pre-vet and has arranged to shadow a vet at a local animal clinic each morning. I’m sure there will be plenty of shopping and visiting with friends during her down time.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, everyone in my family has spring break at differing times. </p>

<p>But Kari is coming home next Friday (YAY!!) going straight to UCLA to see big sister/ best friend Stephanie, for dinner. Kari then will spend a few days home – and then on Friday March 18, is driving to Phoenix for the weekend with my Hubby John and Stephanie to watch a spring training Angel baseball game.</p>

<p>…And then Stephanie (who now starts her UCLA spring break) will fly back to Bama Sunday with Kari from Phoenix to visit Kari a few days there.</p>

<p>We wanted to use D’s high school Spring Break to visit UA but it’s the same week as UA’s Spring Break. Wife and I haven’t been to campus and won’t be able to visit any other time this Spring. Is it worth a visit if the students aren’t on campus? Anyone have a S or D pick a school that you as the parent never visited before decision day?</p>

<p>My son thought about heading to Tampa with some friends, but about a week ago, he called and asked if we could help him get a flight home. He’s flying, however, out of and returning to Huntsville. RobD and her daughter will be nice enough to get him to and from the airport (it’s a lot cheaper going out of HSV). While home, he plans to write some freelance stories for our local newspaper, teach an SAT math prep class, see a few friends and study for his GRE. </p>

<p>Guess I need to restock the freezer.</p>

<p>Both of our kids who are in college (we have two grown D’s who have graduated) have different Spring Breaks. That being said DS’s started today. He is junior at Loyola in Chicago. He will stay there, work (he is a barista at Peets Coffee in Evanston), go to girlfriends G’mas in SouthBend and relax. D and D’s boyfriend leave T-Town on Friday to drive home (11 hours or so) to spend a week with us. In that time she needs to find a summer job and we need to complete clothes shopping for sorority clothing check for recruitment (Help!!! need 3 Azure blue dress…none of which can be strapless and hopefully not costing our life savings). They then leave early the following Friday to go to boyfriends house in Muscle Shoals.</p>

<p>I’ll be on campus, albeit in Rose Towers since my dorm is closed for Spring Break. I didn’t know my schedule until January and by that time, airfares had doubled in price. I figure I’ll use the money and go on a vacation during the summer instead. If things go as planned, I’ll be getting elite status this year by flying 30 flight segments, so a trip to LA or Las Vegas will earn me the same amount of credit as a trip home from Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>D had thought about going to Disney with some UA friends but we realized that she had a previous commitment to act as an appraiser for Destination Imagination the 1st weekend. So she is coming home and has haircut & dentist & other assorted appointments along with tix to 2 hockey games with DH. Oh and her best friend’s spring break is the same week and I heard talk of them going “vintage shopping” whatever that means!</p>

<p>ahpimommy - [Dresses</a> | Party dresses & casual dresses | ASOS](<a href=“ASOS | Online Shopping for the Latest Clothes & Fashion”>ASOS | Online Shopping for the Latest Clothes & Fashion)</p>

<p>*Is it worth a visit if the students aren’t on campus? *</p>

<p>Hmmm…the school will seem dead when visiting when no one is there. </p>

<p>Is there any other time you can visit?</p>

<p>Since they have to vacate the dorm, I’m guessing they’re not able to just stay on campus and study</p>

<p>LOL… </p>

<p>My younger son is going to Nicaragua with some doctors to help with medical issues in poor communities. </p>

<p>My older son is going to Florida.</p>

<p>We were thinking of going down to campus over S’s 2 week hs spring break. There is a honors college day and greek preview weekend. We are undecided at this point. I am thinking we may save the money. Bama Bound will be here before you know it. But, the thought of 2 weeks at home with DS 24/7 since I’m not working is not a good thought. Plus we are sharing a car, ugh.</p>

<p>^^^Ha, ld, been there, done that!</p>

<p>Not that I don’t love him to bits and will cry when he leaves for college, but the sharing the car is killing me. It has been quite awhile since I have driven him to school-30 mins. Now that he is a driver, he has a lot to say about which route I take and my driving techniques. Plus, I like rap & hip hop, but some of the mashups and mixes are just bad. I don’t want to get a car with him leaving in August, but I just am not going to last until then. I have been looking for a job in NYC where I can take the train every day, but no luck so far.</p>

<p>d is coming home and bringing a friend from bama who is a resident of AL. i think this is her first trip to the NY/NJ area and they will go to the city, do some shopping and hopefully have fun! :)</p>

<p>^^^Wow, John, that sounds like fun! I wonder if malanai’s son is bringing any friends home. I know I wouldn’t mind sneaking into his suitcase to go to Hawaii!</p>

<p>^^^Lol. The auction to determine who sneaks into the suitcase won’t be held until Selection Sunday. </p>

<p>Actually, it’s way too expensive for my son to come home for Spring Break. I gave him a Southwest gift card for XMAS, so he’s either going to combine that with some of his own cash to visit high school friends on the West Coast or mooch off one of his southern boys for the week. :)</p>

<p>Monte – yes, I hope they do have fun and boy would i like to sneak over to hawaii too! malani - we may have to organize a graduation party on your little island in may 2014!</p>

<p>SoccerGirlNYC…Thanks for the link! Forwarded it onto D…she is in Birmingham even as I write this shopping!!! Heaven help us!!</p>



<p>You know what? Why not? I’m serious. My wife works for a destination management company here in Hawaii and could probably put together a pretty good deal if we get enough folks interested. </p>

<p>We’ve got a few years to plan. Roll Tide and alo-o-o-o-ha.</p>

<p>malani - sign me up!</p>