<p>I might take Gender and Health cuz it is upper division...so i could hit two birds with one stone. or i might just go for a lover division gender in america class.
And, have any of you over registered only to drop unwanted classes.
What about you.</p>
<p>anthro 2ac or 121ac</p>
<p>sociology 3ac. great reviews.</p>
<p>Geography 159AC - The Southern Border. I've heard great things about it.</p>
<p>I am bored.... The readings on the website seemed like a yawn for the Southern Border. I heard lightfoot is awseome for Antro 2AC.</p>
<p>the AC requirement isn't so bad, im more bummed as a poli sci major at having to take PS3- which is basically exactly like the stats class I already suffered through at my CC. (im aware they claim nothing matches PS3, but it looks like its still just regression, averages, standard deviation, using political examples instead of bags of potato chips)</p>
<p>yeah southern border class. i second that.</p>
<p>Itchy, it will be all the easier to get an A in the course, thereby raising your GPA.</p>
<p>I also have to satisfy the American History requirement, so assuming Berkeley doesn't rescind my admission because of some BS I posted in another thread, I'll be taking History 7A "The United States from Settlement to Civil War", because that satisfies both requirements.</p>
<p>CY PLAN 118AC.</p>
<p>Get rid of AC and some of those noncontiguous upper division units.</p>
<p>Why? It sounded interesting.</p>
<p>Ek- I sure hope so, im a math moron. I just hope that it doesn't get ten billion times more complicated just because its Cal.</p>
<p>whats ac stand for?</p>
<p>American Culture - a class that you need to take at berkeley...</p>
<p>MUS 8 at Foothill. (One of the few community college courses that Cal recognizes as fulfilling AC.)</p>
<p>edu 140 AC which includes 3 hours of volunteer service a week. just what i need =/</p>
<p>I'm taking Music 26AC</p>
<p>Hey Guardiangel, what kind of community service?</p>
<p>well i heard rumors that u help tutor kids thru some online website or smth. don't know much details about it</p>
<p>History 124 A or B... knocks out a major requirement too.</p>