What are your biggest school pet peeves? RANT!

-When the hallway is jam-packed and the person in front of you stops walking to talk to their friend
-Slow walkers in general
-When the teacher erases the board and doesn't get all of it--drives me bonkers
-When a bunch of kids in the class are friends and they cluster together before the bell, blocking your desk
-When tall guys sitting behind you have their legs all over your desk
-When the teacher gives a massive homework assignment and the next day says, "Well, I didn't really want you to do all of it..."
-PDA--enough said
-When you're supposed to be reading silently and there's binders closing and pens clicking and papers shuffling...</p>

<p>Haha, I'll think of more later.</p>

<p>Haha, I agree with most of those. Especially the walking ones. High school is not meant to be a contact sport. </p>

<p>-When the band is practicing/playing during tests.
-How my math teacher has us fold our homework papers in half
-When you see teachers in the hall and you’re walking by yourself and don’t know what to say to them.</p>

<p>This isn’t really related to high school, but my biggest pet peeve is when people don’t know the difference between then and than. It drives me up the wall.</p>

<p>people who ask STUPID questions in AP Human Geo. Why is that even an AP class? When I walk through the door I can practically feel my IQ plummet. </p>

<p>People who walk in groups in the hallways VERY SLOWLY so I can’t get around them and walk at a normal pace.</p>

<p>People who throw food all over the stairs.</p>

<p>When I don’t do anything in my classes for all 6 periods. why did I even bother to go to school?</p>

<li>when there are two people making out in front of your locker and you don’t feel like asking them to move.</li>

<p>Excessive PDA (holding hands, a peck, that’s okay, but please don’t procreate in front of me)
Slow walkers and massive clogs in the hallways.
Effies (7th graders) who run through the halls with their giant bookbags
Overhearing “intellectual” discussions between ignorant people
E-flats (8th graders) in general</p>

<li>Poor grammar.</li>
<li>Sitting behind tall boys when you’re a short girl. I am 5’2"; the guy who sits ahead of me in French class is 6’3". :**(</li>
<li>People who leave condoms, tampons, etc stuck to the walls or floor.</li>
<li>There is this one person who puts on bright red lipstick and KISSES THE WALLS. It’s so gross.</li>
<li>I agree with the not erasing everything on the board.</li>

<p>-Self-conscious grade 9s who only travel in large mobs, blocking the entire hallway
-The smell of Axe</p>

<p>Err, can’t think of any others right now. I don’t have many pet peeves.</p>

<p>-Freshman girls who find it necessary to scream with laughter in the hallways, talk in obnoxiously high-pitched voices, and/or who dress like sluts.
-People who turn the lights off in the hallway because they think it’s… funny? Cool? I don’t even know.
-People who always talk really loudly about partying and getting wasted and being “sooo drunk” the other night. If you’re going to do it, whatever, but don’t come to school bragging about your pitiable state last Friday night.
-People who exaggerate their problems - problems that are nothing compared to actually serious issues; e.g. girls who whine about trivial things and act their world is ENDING because of something stupid like their phone broke so now they can’t text at ALLLL and what are they going to do?!?!
-People who think they’re better than others.
-High schoolers who still can’t distinguish between their/they’re/there and who are still unfamiliar with the correct usage of apostrophes.</p>

<p>Usually these things only annoy me, but ohh… sometimes they just get downright aggravating.</p>

<p>Obnoxious people and arguments between two people who don’t know what they’re talking about.</p>

<p>Overhearing “intellectual” discussions between ignorant people</p>

<p>Thank you. I sit in front of a group of girls in my Englsih class who do this all of the time. I wish they’d shut up for once. </p>

<p>People who rub in the fact they’re of a certain race. Yes, I can see you’re Hispanic/Asian/Black/etc. and I don’t care. are you WANTing me to be racist against you?! </p>

<p>People who complain about the same problem day after day. There’s a girl in my class who whines about being biracial all of the time and how she doesn’t fit in to any of her family, and how it’s so hard and no one ever understands her, although over ahlf of us in that class come from the same basic situation. </p>

<p>Yet again, PDA. I finally saw someone busted for it yesterday and couldn’t stop laughing, especially since I know, and can’t stand, the two making out. </p>

<p>People who must stand in a giant group in the middle of the hall. There are class rooms, the library, outside, and the SIDES of the hall for a rearson, don’t block my way.</p>

<p>My school’s administration and its whole “be the change thing”. They increased the passing time from 4 to 5 minutes, but to me it seems as an excuse to crack down on lateness because now no one has an excuse to be late anymore. The problem I have is that my school’s admin seems to see lateness as more disruptive to the learning process than crime (i.e. thefts, drugs etc.). I mean our school is doing NOTHING about the very rampant crime in my school. I even had a textbook stolen and reported it to the office, and they still have yet to do ANYTHING about it. I’m sure if something mysteriously went missing from a VP’s office, that VP would search the whole school, locker by locker, even if he actually had whatever he lost in his back pocket the whole time.</p>

<p>Theft in general is another peeve of mine. The textbook thing is bad enough, but then there was a case when some girl just walked off with a cookie from an FHS bake sale, and another kid attempted to walk off with a slice of pizza from a pizza sale that my Quiz team was hosting. At that same sale, a girl tried slipping me a 50 Indian paisa piece (which is completely worthless in the US) instead of a quarter. I still don’t know if that was an accident or if she was seriously trying to cheat us out of a few cents.</p>

<p>The sheer number of freshmen is also a problem. The thing is that my school, which was already very overcrowded to begin with, is now more crowded than ever. Asian/Indian parents just LOVE to move to my area so they can meet more of their kind and have their kids do the same.</p>

<p>That also brings me to another peeve: social cliques. My school boasts of its diversity all the time, yet if anyone actually bothered to look at the students, they’d find that everyone seems to stick to their own racial/ethnic kinds.</p>

<p>When I’m trying to take a test, and the person behinds me puts their foot on my chair and JIGGLES.</p>

<p>I’ve got many.</p>

<li>People too lazy to flush the toilets in the bathroom. </li>
<li>People walking really slow in the hallway and then stopping, and completely bi*ching you out when you politely ask them to get the hell out of your way.</li>
<li>FORCED silent reading time</li>
<li>When you wait in the lunch line for 15 minutes and end up with 8 minutes to actually eat.</li>
<li>Teachers who merely do not teach, but rather do millions of examples on the board really fast and expect you do understand.</li>
<li>Freshman walking down the hall 3X faster than everyone else, weaving between people.</li>
<li>When people pull the fire alarm in the middle of first period on a Monday.</li>
<li>Excessive lock downs, and administration never even tells students what happened.</li>
<li>People who constantly talk about how wild of sex they’re having and how drunk they get every night, thinking that it will make them more popular to the people who they clearly think are less popular than them because they are telling them this</li>
<li>The two words “your mom.”</li>
<li>People who set off stink bombs in the most crowded parts of the hallway.</li>
<li>When people defecate on the floor in the guy’s bathroom</li>
<li>Pencil Tappers</li>
<li>Syllabuses on the first day of each semester</li>
<li>When people draw *****es all over EVERYTHING</li>
<li>Sitting behind someone who has horrible BO</li>
<li>Sitting between two people who are best friends in class, and always having them talk in front of you instead of behind.</li>

<p>^ WishWash, I agree with everything you just said. Then again, I think that we’re all getting so sick of high school here that any little thing turns into a pet peeve – but still, yours are pretty bad, and my high school sounds similar.</p>

<p>(But people seriously defecate on the bathroom floor? Gross. I can’t tell which is worse, poo on the floor or boys drawing things in semen on the walls in the girls’ bathroom; the same graffiti has been on one of the stall doors for three years now.)</p>

<p>People only talking to me for homework help</p>

<p>a lot of my pet peeves have already been said, but I think my main pet peeve is people who have no problem telling colleges that they are the captain of many clubs that I solely captain and founded. So annoying, especially because they tell me about it, like I’m supposed to say, congrats, you’ve found a way to snake me. </p>

<p>Just in general when you say something really brilliant, but the teacher didnt hear, then some jackass blurts it out after hearing what you said, and the teacher turns around and congratulates them. </p>

<p>Freshmen arent a pet peeve, their the ideal cattle. Take the time to win the over, be nice, make them think they have the coolest senior friend, and they’ll do what you want them to.</p>

<p>And of course, teachers that obsessively check homework, making it so that you have to do the homework, even if you dont need it to ace the tests. The tests should be designed such that if you have done the homework and know the material, you pass, and if you dont, you fail. So the incentive to do homework is not because it is a portion of your grade, but because you need to do it to learn the material to pass the test. This method is used in college a fair bit, because there is the assumption that you are old enough to motivate yourself to do the work to learn the material. If the amount of work you need to do to learn the material is zero, then so be it. If you choose to not learn the material and not do HW, then that is a poor choice that the tests will penalize you for. That is how it should be - this method will teach kids to be more responsible anyway.</p>

<p>the one little dot on the chalk board or white board that the teacher doesnt erase…so annoying</p>

<p>or when you and another person are walking straight at each other in the hall and you gotta pull a juke just to get around them</p>

<p>awww poor puma
i agree with nick about homework</p>

<p>students that barley study and get A pluses on the tests
when i have to study hours and get a C</p>