<p>How much of a difference did you get from your parents? Would scoring 500 points higher than your parents out of 1600 be considered an achievement?</p>
<p>My dad took the ACT and my mom went to school in Egypt. He doesn’t remember his score…=/</p>
<p>idk, I’ve heard it was recentered a couple of times so directly comparing your parents’ scores and yours wouldn’t be accurate. Also SAT prep was much rarer decades ago.</p>
<p>there is a chart to convert your parents’ scores to their modern equivalents.
[SAT</a> I Individual Score Equivalents](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/equivalence-tables/sat-score]SAT”>Higher Education Professionals | College Board)</p>
<p>^ Cool link!</p>
<p>My mom got~
PSAT: 64 V/66 M
SAT: 560 V/780 M</p>
<p>Sweet… that’s recentered to 70/65 (lol that one went down :() and 630/800. :)</p>
<p>And I did a little better with 800 CR/800 M, but eh. The SAT is entirely different now; even conversion charts don’t necessarily predict how they’d do on today’s version or how we’d have done back then. </p>
<p>I took the SAT in 1977 and got a 690 M 740 V. Schritzo, you are correct … no prep back then … and we took the tests once & done. </p>
<p>The ACT had a social studies portion back then, by the way (maybe social sciences? It’s been a long time …).</p>
<p>The old test had lots of vocabuary dependency and absolutely no curve – which is why only 6 people got >1580 per year.</p>
<p>I don’t think my parents took the SATs. If they did, they probably would have done quite badly.</p>