<p>Hey guys! The new quarter is in (for me anyway) and i'm planning to make some changes--especially in changes revolving around my academics.
If you do an extracurricular activity (or not, idc), how do you get around to doing your homework? do you nap?</p>
<p>What are some techniques/habits that proved to be successful?
Thank you guys!!</p>
<p>Take advantage of extra time at the beginning and end of class when the teacher hasn’t started teaching yet to get a head start on homework. If your ecs require travel (like a ride from one school to another) spend that time doing homework and if you have to wait for your ec to start bring flash cards or homework in instead of goofing around. If any of your teachers give you a syllabus or you know what your work for the week will be, like if you have a vocab quiz every friday, do the homeowrk or study when you have time not just the night before it’s due: this helped me a lot with apush, I’d get my vocab list for each section broken into chapters and if I had a night with no homework in one of my other classes I’d do as much of the vocab as I could even if it wasn’t due for another few days. I can’t nap, once I’m asleep I’'m asleep for good, but to each his or her own.</p>
<p>Definitely do your homework in class. Don’t do it when the teacher’s lecturing 'cause that’s disrespectful, but when you get free time or the teacher is taking too long to get her act together at the beginning of class (lol AP Lang), take advantage of the time to do a little HW.</p>
<p>Lunch is golden. Go to the library and catch up on your after-lunch classes. That is, if you don’t have a club meeting to attend.</p>
<p>I swim from 3:30-6p.m. every day. I rarely get anything done between my last class till then (2:48-3:30), but I should…</p>
<p>When I get home, I goof around until around 8:30p.m. and then I get my act together. Don’t follow my example - get started on HW immediately because sleep is precious. Let me repeat this - sleep is precious! 
Generally I do only my HW/studying that I need for the next day, or if things get really desperate, just the things I need for my morning classes. I can catch up on my afternoon classes during lunch.</p>
<p>Weekends are times for actually getting ahead on things.</p>
<p>I like to do my homework and study (especially with the studying) early in the morning if I can swing it. The days before big tests I’ll try to be in bed by 8:30 or 9:00 and then get up around 3:30 or 4 and study then.</p>
<p>woahhh you’re crazy ^
I’m more of the “stay up til 3am” person</p>
<p>Some of my friends do the wake-up-in-the-early-morn routine, but I am incapable of extracting myself from my warm bed after I have gotten into it haha.</p>
<p>I usually have club or orchestra/choir stuff after school Monday through Thursday, so when I get home, I’ll usually powernap for half an hour before dinner, then work until 1:30-2 in the morning. (I’m taking all AP classes this year. Don’t ask.) I get about…4.5 to 5 hours of sleep a day, but my body can handle that. I don’t know how much sleep deprivation you can handle, but that’s what’s worked for me–my GPA’s an unweighted 4.0 and I’m still basically sane.</p>
<p>Thanks! That helped alot :)</p>