What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

Glad it works for you, but it wouldn’t for the vast majority of people.

Sorry about that. I was never meaning you were comparing anything to the cruise lines. I was comparing the Bahamas and the hit that country is going to take to the cruise lines. The Bahamas have over half their economy dependent upon tourism. Add that to their taking hits from the hurricanes.

It works for a different group of people. It won’t work at all for the casual traveler, but I think you underestimate how many snowbirds there are. One person staying for 8 weeks is equivalent to 8 people coming for one week.

Most older Americans (who are snowbirds) really can not afford 8 weeks in Hawaii. Actually, almost no one can, outside the 1%.

It’s really not worth arguing about. :wink:

You know your group of people and I know those we’ve met over the years down south in various places.

Everyone will pick for themselves what they do. Among some (at least), safety is a big concern and the rent for condos in HI really isn’t much different than other waterfront places. It’ll be interesting to see if prices change with all of this. I haven’t started looking at that because we’re waiting to see how things look in Aug or Sept before deciding where we want to go. We have multiple options we’re toying with. These days life changes daily!

I truly wish you the best, @Creekland, but I think the kind of myopia that suggests many can spend the winter sheltering in the South Pacific islands is also responsible for much of the indifference to the economic pain caused by the shutdown. Even if you and all your friends are happily in the tropics, it would be good to show a bit more awareness of societal conditions.

Figuring out how to use $$ to best help folks beat the economic hit every place is going through is somehow showing a lack of awareness of societal conditions???

That seems - odd.

Are people who are still earning money (70-75% or so of workers) and those who are still getting income from retirement sources, etc, supposed to just hoard their dollars so things get even worse?

I’m glad my circle is among those trying to help where we can - sharing ideas and tips among ourselves, etc. Your attempt to shame (?) if that’s what you’re doing makes no sense at all.

I do wonder, will the airline ticket cost go skyrocketing after the pandemic? It SEEMS (for now, not sure if this will hold true for a long time) that travels will be reduced even after we lift the travel restriction. How will the airlines survive with such low volume? Without the volume they would have to increase the cost per traveler, it’s not cheap to operate an airplane. I can see massive laying-offs happening, may be not now but soon :frowning:

^Airlines would have to offer incentives to get people to travel again after the pandemic. They’ll gradually increase airfares after their passenger load factor returns to normal level, however.

No it is absolutely not. A person staying 8 weeks buys food at Costco and cooks in the condo most of the time, mostly lounges on the beach or snorkels, and rarely shops. A family coming for a week eats out, goes on boat trips, activities, and buys gifts and mementos.

I’m seriously done with this… There is no single “type” of traveler for long or short travels. They range from budget to wealthy, extrovert to introvert, differing likes, preferences, etc. Some eat out every single meal. Some eat in every single meal. Both lengths.

It’s ok if no one else posting here wants to or can be in the south for longer periods of time in the winter.

We all agree that casual short travel can’t happen with a longer quarantine.

Can we move on?

We’ve wondered this too. Not just for our own winter hopes, but also because med school lad needs to fly to CA to take his Step II test and will have Residency interviews this fall (assuming interviews still happen).

The fact is that without the return of the short term travelers, HI tourism industry will perish, and many people’s lives will be ruined forever. It is insensitive (and absolutely distasteful) to declare yourself a savior of the islands because you hope to snowbird there on the cheap without all these pesky tourists getting in your way.

^^ I will also fly to CA this fall with D19 to move her into an apartment. Even if the school is online, she would still be on campus in the fall. This plan is 90% firmed. Unless we have the second wave of infection that is more vicious than the first and ALL domestic air travels are halted, chances are I will be on the plane with the kiddo to CA to move her into an apartment.

Fine, because it makes you feel better we will save our money (that we would normally spend “somewhere” south pretty much every single winter) and go nowhere as should everyone else who might have gotten the idea that maybe this is one way they could help out somewhere.

That will really help destinations and individuals out. Let’s ruin all of the economy!

(Not really, of course, but if it makes you feel better you can think that.)

Perhaps we should start looking at other folks’ lifestyles to see where they are doing things wrong too… spending wrong… using their $$ to be the savior of whatever they choose to spend it on, being totally inconsiderate of others, etc.

Who would have thought that on a travel thread we Creeklanders are the wrong type of traveler! And to think we’ve wrongly done this for over a decade now - us and those we hang around with in the southern places.

I’m incredibly glad those I know and talk with IRL are far more open to differences among people.

Have you booked your flight yet? We keep debating whether it’s better to book now and perhaps have to cancel, or wait to see if his test is still “on.” There are only a few locations in the states where they give this test and slots are difficult to come by. He couldn’t get one within driving distance even scheduling quite some time ago.

Please stop insulting and debating on this thread as it is not the “lightly moderated” thread and could easily be shut down. Take your argument to PM; it does not benefit the rest of the posters.

HI is only cheap because of volume, without the real tourists the retailers that keep it cheap enough (Costco for example) would be gone. All the big chains will pull out. The local population isn’t going to be enough to keep them there. All areas will be impacted. Health care will be tight and old tourists might be put off by that, period.

Our two Costcos on Oahu nearest my home are 2nd and 3rd most volume in the world, right behind Seoul. They’ve been keeping plenty busy with just us local residents and virtually no tourists.

Can we please move on? Debating violates TOS and is not helpful. Thanks for everyone who is being positive.