What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

The sniping is a bit much. Please desist


Last year I went to UK, rode the bus, attended indoor plays, very pack I must add every single day. Then after that we went to Las Vegas for another indoor Sting concert. We’re wanderers as well, at least I am, my husband just tags along.
We plan to do the same this year.


From now to next year I have 3 trips planned.


We have suspended travel since 2019. We are planning a tour to Japan in Mar/Apr 2023. We also are attending nephew’s wedding in Nov on other side of the island and staying at a vrbo. Pre-Covid, we traveled about 30,000 miles/year.

I’m also supposed to attend a meeting in Denver in 4/2023.

I’m very concerned about the prospect of long Covid as I already have health issues and H and I definitely qualify for most SR discounts.


My mother decided in early 2020 that she was going to continue living as she had been and not stay in the house and not restrict anyone from visiting. She had cancer so her covid years have been filled with doctor visits and hospitalizations where we couldn’t go with her. She turned 87 last week.

My friend made a different decision for her MIL. No visitors, only limited family allowed in the house, even after vaccinations. MIL is 99. She’s only left her home a few times for doctor’s appointments in the last 2.5 years.

My mother just didn’t want to live like that. She doesn’t travel much but has been on a few car trips and one OOS airline trip in 2021. She got the vaccine early on and all the boosters available to her.


Well…got home early this morning. Flight was delayed almost two hours, but that’s way better than being cancelled! Glad to be home!


It’s interesting to read responses and as expected they are polarized and sides will never agree. I also think the title “travel in the time of Covid “ does not apply anymore. It can as well be “travel in the time of monkeypox” or “travel in the time of … “fill the blanks “. Covid as it is today is not going anywhere. After the last two years it’s understandable that some people still have Covid PTSD and some moved on long time ago. And that is all good. People should do what is right for them and if painting the other side as jerks helps and makes feel better about own choices, that’s fine too.


Adding…masks in the airport in Denver and Hartford…very very few. Oh the full planes, I would say less than 5% masked. And Denver airport was really crowded.

Masks were few on our flight to LA and back a couple of weeks ago. We masked on our flight, in the airport and while on the rental car shuttle. But once we were in LA, we attended the wedding (outdoors), reception and met up with several friends. Tried to dine outdoors for the most part (which is what we like to do anyway!). But honestly, it comes down to personal choice. Do what you feel most comfortable doing. If you are not comfortable flying knowing that folks in the airports/flights are not wearing masks, then don’t. We’ve decided for ourselves that in the most obvious of crowded situations, we will wear a mask. Is it really going to help? Or are we deluding ourselves? Who knows - we are comfortable with that, so will do that.


Anyone fly to Ireland/Scotland/UK recently? We fly on Aer Lingus to Dublin then on to Glasgow in a couple of weeks and wonder what the masking situation is on Aer Lingus and in air terminals. When we flew Air Canada in June, masks were required in both terminals and on flights. Compliance was around 90% in Canadian terminals and 100% on the Air Canada flights.

Regardless of the requirements we will mask up both in terminals and on flights.


I was in Edinburgh last month and there were very few masks to be seen around the airport, public transport or in town.

My spouse went to Dublin back in May. No masks on the plane except a handful. Don’t know if that’s changed. Doubtful it has. Said almost no one wearing one in Dublin. My spouse never got covid so wore a mask. Still Covid free.

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I have always felt this way. We hunkered down, never went to unsafe spaces, ordered food in and all the rest for more than a year. My Dad got sick with Covid, I knew he had Covid. Wore an N95, kept the windows fully open driving him to the hospital. Never went inside. Still got Covid. I don’t think the masks work. Who knows?
I don’t know a soul who got long covid. I believe it exists and it makes me have compassion for those who have it. Does that mean that I can’t travel or go to restaurants or ask someone to wear a mask when I’m uncomfortable? No.

The rhyme or reasons though have run the gamut. There is no way, I am going to demonize anyone else’s lifestyle when it comes to their health. Mask, or not. Travel or not. It’s your life and your decision. I am glad things are lightening up. The amount of mental anguish spent on Covid, IMO is equal to the actual disease.


Masks work. I won’t go back into it (@ucbalumnus has been very helpful with the info) but it has been extensively discussed and studies citied on this forum about the effectiveness of masking.

My daughter was wearing a mask because she had her bilateral mastectomy scheduled the next week. Her co-worker had just traveled back from Europe but was not masked.

My daughter came down with covid and had to reschedule her surgery. She’s not upset with her coworker. Maybe she has some extra immunity for a while.


It would be so nice if the expression “living our lives” could be dispensed with altogether since the obvious implication is that those choosing to live with some level of caution are living diminished lives.

I honestly don’t care anymore about people who want to spend their entire lives traveling the world, maskless and breathing deeply in crowds large and small. I’ve come to realize that the well-being of strangers is not a factor in the lives of most people and have adjusted accordingly.

I will (and have) traveled by air in the past 6 months when I judge that I can mitigate risks to my health by taking reasonable precautions. Some “wandering” just for the sake of wandering seems pointless and tedious to me but I sure don’t begrudge others the right to enjoy it. I’d just like the nasty remarks (and they are pretty nasty) about not living our lives to stop. I can assure you that our lives are as rich as anyone else’s, even if we choose to wear masks sometimes.

That’s all.


Do you even hear/see how that sounds?
My job is not to save the world. Wear a mask. Do some research beyond 2020.
Yes. I care about people.


I guess I don’t understand-if your life is not diminished in any way ( and I believe you when you state that), then why would you be distressed about other’s actions? You are living your best life, they are doing the same, and everyone is happy.


I’m not distressed by anyone’s actions. Go forth and explore, wander, whatever. Knock yourselves out, by all means.

I’m distressed by the continuing suggestions that those of us who are exercising some level of caution in response to the ongoing pandemic are not “living our lives”. That’s it. That’s all. Can you all please stop? Is that unreasonable?
Have fun. I’m out.

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But that’s not all you’re saying- you’ve said people who are out living life in a way you don’t partake in right now don’t care about others. And that is simply not true.


Friends, let’s not argue about this here. There now exists a politics forum for respectful debate, so that’s one option.

Another option is to step away from CC for a bit. We’ve been going through Covid stress for a long time. (This thread started in April of 2020.) Different people have made different assessments of risk for themselves and their families. It’s pretty unlikely that a conversation on this forum will change other people’s minds. So. . . let’s agree to disagree. Thanks!

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