What are your thoughts on using the "n word"?

<p>Using the n word? Do u use it?do u think its right if other races use it? I was just wondering. Personally I try my best not to say it but sometimes it slips. Like when I'm listening to a rap song. I don't really care if your white, black, Asia, Hispanic, etc. and say it if it's in a song. I hate when people use it all the time like 50 times in a sentence because u start to sound ignorant. But it seems like "everyone" is saying it. I grew up with the word being used especially since I grew up in the hood so I understand like taking the word back but I feel like it dosent matter if u change the er to a. It's like saying there's a difference between gangsta and gangster. I just can't stand when it's a white person from the suburbs trying to act stereotypical black saying it. It's annoying. Cuz they know if they were in the projects they wouldn't be saying it. Now I can understand a white person that actually lived in the hood or around blacks saying it, like for example eminem or something. It happens a lot at my school. But I feel like people can say what they want. Freedom of speech. </p>

<p>Not the place to have this discussion.</p>

<p>@collegebound752 why not. It’s been asked before plus this is an black thread so I just wanted to know specifically how blacks feel about it. </p>

<p>I don’t like it because it has such a negative connotation to it. I get that the black community is trying to reclaim the word but for me it is still a word that carries a lot of baggage. Baggage that I can’t overlook. And often its use arises in the form of ignorance regardless of the race of the person using it and that just perpetuates the idea that black people are “less than.” When other black people use it in reference to each other it just feels like a type of internalized racism where we feel that we and others like us are inadequate. I understand that people are allowed to say what they want but the memories of lynching and shackles isn’t necessarily something that I want to reclaim or remember. </p>

<p>@collegebound1515‌ I agree. </p>

Disgusting and vile no matter who says it or how it’s said. The whole taking it back crap is BS. I would let it die if I could. Its a universal sign of ignorance and stupidity in my opinion no matter who says it or when.

I totally agree with Madaboutx!!


Why does it matter what people, on an anonymous website think about the word? How is it going to add to your life? It’s a vile, disgusting word. I think it’s in poor taste to bring it up on a forum such as this. We are inundated with race issues everywhere we go(even here with the “blacks only get into selective schools because they are…” There are so many topics to discuss. Please, pick one!

Because she is soliciting opinions on a website that has a lot of traffic. This is the topic in which she is interested, and to that extent it adds to her life. One could ask your question about many topics people discuss. In the end many of our conversations probably have little to no impact on our life in any truly meaningful way. It is her right to choose what interests her. If you don’t want to participate, then don’t.


FWIW, I think the whole argument about “reclaiming” the word is nonsense. What exactly is one reclaiming? History is what it is and understanding the word and how it was used in different periods by various groups is one thing. Essentially ignoring that history and using it the way many people are today, to me shows nothing but ignorance of that history. People can say what they want (with very limited exceptions), but that doesn’t buy them a pass from getting judged for what they say and how they say it.

I really wish African Americans would not use this word. Doing so confuses the heck out of white people. I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a kid remark, “Black people say it. Why can’t I?”


OP knows the word is disgusting. We all know it. Those who don’t use the word will say that it shouldn’t be used. Under any circumstances. Others who use it gratuitously won’t weigh in…and then you will have those who say that when blacks use it, it confuses them. What is there to be confused about?? Really? You are confused? It’s wrong!!! Are you looking for permission? @wasatchwriter? And makes me question how you use the word…Then OP says it’s okay if erminem uses it. She then says that she wants to know how blacks feel about it.

I agree that there are lots of topics that people discuss here on CC that are inane. This one is downright unseemly. And yes, I should absolutely weigh in…someone should help her to see that she needs to think before she starts a thread.

I think this generation has been taught that anything goes. Especially with the likes of Kim Kardashian and the popularity of reality TV. When in fact, there still needs to be some sense of decency.


This topic has been discussed on NPR, the Sunday morning talk shows, and numerous other “legitimate” places. I appreciate that you have a strong opinion that it is an issue with no gray areas, but others are not so sure. I ask you to respect those positions. Please don’t make highly judgmental statements about other members. This can be discussed civilly, and given what actually happens in the real world deserves to be discussed.

I didn’t say you shouldn’t weight in. I am saying that trying to censor this topic completely is not the way to go. I think your stance is abundantly clear.

I think it’s fine. I personally do not use it, but if another black person wants to reclaim it, I have no problem with it. I usually find that black people who hound other black people for using the word tend to be respectability politics lovers so I don’t take them seriously. Now, if a non-black person tries to use the word… We’re gonna have some problems lol.

I love how so many non black people jumped into this thread to way in their unnecessary opinions on an issue that does not concern them rolls eyes

That is absolutely not true. On several levels. For one, you said it yourself.

You can’t have it both ways. If a non-black person using that word would offend you, then the issue concerns them.

Second, the word finds its way into songs, movies, novels etc. How do you propose to keep non-blacks from interacting with those things?

Third, your statement has a premise that not only do blacks and non-blacks live in separate worlds, it presupposes that for some reason a non-black should have no interest in what is happening in black culture. Those are bizarre notions.

Finally, who do you think people that are using the word are trying to reclaim it from? While it certainly comes from a terrible chapter in history, it is a chapter in history none-the-less. I find your statement of “unnecessary opinions” to be more than a little offensive.

You use that vile term around an African-american and he/she will beat the living crap out of you. Why? The history of the word is a slap in the face. It connotes a time of disrespect and forced bondage. Out of respect for all of those people who died in forced slavery, it should never be used.

'I usually find that black people who hound other black people for using the word tend to be respectability politics lovers so I don’t take them seriously."


My S attended a summer program for bright minority students. He was shocked and appalled by the way the word was being thrown around-it is considered ignorant and low class where we live. His breaking point was when one of the other AA guys used the word to refer to him. He let the other kid know that it was absolutely unacceptable. The kid was shocked: “Well I’m black, and you’re black so what is the big deal?” To my S it was a huge deal; he was disgusted and violated.

@jellybae It is hardly a matter of “respectability politics.” For my S it was SELF respect.

“it is considered ignorant and low class where we live” tell me again how you are not eschewing respectability politics here?

Also, your son has a right to not want to be referred as that. But if he thinks he’s better than other black people who use it, then he may need to get off his high horse

I’m glad that @dartmouthgirl15‌ brought up this conversation. It’s a conversation we need to have. Anonymous site or not.

I don’t say the n-word, but I don’t think I’m better than black people who do. And I don’t mind being called one from another black person because I am black.

The word doesn’t stand for ignorance. White people didn’t call us n-gg–s because we were ignorant. It was because we were black.

Other races can’t say the n-word because they’re not black therefore can’t be referred as one.

Even if the word did stand for ignorance and low class, what wrong with being low class and ignorant? We all ignorant when it comes to certain things?! In this society, why do we always associate low-class with automatically being inferior and therefore not worthy? Idk why y’all elite black folks always wanna dissociate y’all selves from lower class black folks.

Really? I know very few people that strive for that distinction. In other words, let’s turn off our brains and suspend all judgment about anything at all. No standards, no values, no nothing. Excellent. A sure recipe for everyone to wallow in the pits of values anarchy.

Before you twist what I am saying, I am not saying that anyone should be treated badly for being low class and/or ignorant. But that is not the same thing as accepting everything they say, their habits, their values (if their values are to strive to be “low class and ignorant”), etc. No matter their ethnicity.

Who’s “they”? What are “their values, habits”? And why is it bad? Why black people saying the n-word to each other bad if they mean no harm? Just because we all don’t share the same values doesn’t mean those values are wrong.