What are your thoughts?

<p>I go to Jupiter High School, in Jupiter, FL, and I'm applying to:</p>

<p>Tufts (ED I), BC (EA), BU, Brandeis, Wake, Richmond, Catholic (EA), GW, American, and I was already accepted to Tulane EA. :)</p>

ACT: 30
GPA: 3.47UW/4.02W
Rank: 66/550
EC's: Pres of Debate, VP of Law Club, Co-Capt of Mock Trial Team, 425+NFL Points, various national and local debate awards, etc.</p>

<p>So...I'm a bit more nervous than you, then again, getting into Tulane eased me a bit.</p>

<p>Ok, you're not too far away then, and it's great that you already got into Tulane. It's a great school, and from the looks of it you'll have more acceptances to come.<br>

<p>Hehe, same to you, where are you in s. florida?</p>

<p>I'm in Boca.</p>

<p>Oh wow, you go to Spanish River, or...</p>