Assuming from the tone of the OP, this topic seems to discuss of cheating to the extent of people copying someone’s work, inflation, plagiarism, etc…not glancing at someone’s paper during a test due to stress or copying answers from the answer book from time constraints.
Honestly, I’m not against it at all. Cheating (to the OP’s extent) will eventually lead to big time karma in the butt. Cancellation of standardized tests, rescinds from colleges who are rich, and if still not caught they’ll probably get kicked out of the 4-year college/grad/prof school eventually. I find it an amusing tool for someone’s conscious because after the punishments they have learned a valuable lesson and won’t do it ever again in a worse time (I would much rather learn in kindergarten than in the job market, for example).
Colleges don’t give a poop either - at least in high school, if they really see a student dying to go their institution well of course they’ll let them in for the money (UCalifornia system…happens a lot {hi tuition rise}). From a rumor in my secondary school, a person was caught cheating from changing everyone’s grades for Pre Cal H, AP Cal AB, & Pre Cal for money. District found out, gave the student and the teacher a punishment which led to the teacher just getting a break since it technically wasn’t his fault since he was unaware, although probably lazy to consider of who’s around the computer. As for the student (this is funny), forced to transfer to our rival school, colleges he applied found out, and from rumors he still got into a UC. Hah.
The only people who do care about cheating are the people in College Board and ETS, they try to attempt to give standardized tests to the NATION and still expect to get ideal scores. Also some teachers and faculty of your respective school, probably…yeah outliers too. Even if you were to get caught and not able to go to a 4-year college from a rough punishment, there’s still community college and you have the 2nd chance (although much harder).
As for me, I don’t cheat because I’ve already learned my lessons back in elementary school and I don’t need it as much (I’m sticking with state, so bleh). The only time I ever cheat is occasionally in tests when I glance around and see answers of another individual by accident. However, I’m for cheating…like I said, valuable tool for an individual to learn their lesson and save them from worse scenarios in the future.
Personal comment to the OP: Those “valedictorians” will learn their lesson eventually, don’t you worry.