What book to buy to self study ap phys c?

<p>I am thinking of going into physics for college (well, that or art...yeah, I guess I should know by now, but that's a whole other problem) and as my school only offers a very, very weak physics class (how weak? the teacher's a BIO major) I plan to self study ap physics.
I seem to have gotten from reading various old posts in this site and elsewhere that ap phys b is useless for someone heading into a possible physics major, so I've decided on ap physics C...but I don't really know where to even start.
Should I be buying a textbook? If so, which one? Can I only rely on review books? Once again if so, which ones? Remember, I've never taken physics before -laugh-
(Oh..I'm in AP Calculus AB right now, and my other APs are AP world and AP literature. I don't think the work load should be too much to be able to self study one more AP?)</p>

<p>Thank you so much for any help... I'm really at a loss as to what I should do, but I also really want to do this XD</p>

<p>Only review books probably won't be enough if you've never taken physics before (not for lack of explanations, but lack of practice). Buy a review book (Princeton's is very good for physics) along with a used textbook. Then follow the sections in the text from those in the review book, doing as many problems as you need to feel comfortable. This way you won't have to worry about all the material in the textbook that is above (or simply outside) the scope of the AP exam. </p>

<p>Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Tipler and Mosca) is a very good, comprehensive text. Anything though, coupled with a review book, would probably work.</p>

<p>You could rely on review books if you take some physics course (not necessary ap, let alone C). Use Barron's + PR together (Barron's for learning, PR for questions)</p>

<p>All right, thank you very much to both of you. I'll probably try to get the textbook itself, not barron's -- I prefered my bio textbooks a billion times to my cliff's review book. Colorful glossy pages make reading so muchmore interesting ;) </p>

<p>Yay ^^ I hope I can stick through with this! :D</p>