What books did you use for SAT WRITING?

<p>what book did you guys use to practice for the WRITING SECTION?????? </p>

<p>Did you guys use a grammar book or a concept review book?
Or did you guys use JUST practice by sections? </p>

<p>Was it effective and did you find it improve your score?
Name some of the books and recommend some books to me.</p>

<p>Rocket Review usually gets the most recommendations for writing.</p>

<p>Did you really have to make two threads for this?</p>

<p>which edition do you recommend for rocket review?</p>

<p>I think the latest one that came out is the 2006-2007 oneā€¦so get that one.</p>

<p>thanks dragoon</p>

<p>Spark notes and the writing a 12 essay in 10 days guide on these forums did good for me.</p>