What can a home schooler do for extracurricular activities?

I am 23 and I was homeschooled by my mother, who is an anthropologist, my whole life. I am not claiming to be a genius, but other then some areas in math and science, I am pretty good in regards to my grades. I love writing and have been told I have a real talent for writing essays in particular.

However, where I lived during my school years didn’t exactly provide the chance to take part in EC activities. Put simply, I lived in the middle of nowhere, folks. And to make matters worse, the highschool where I lived also didn’t allow equal access for homeschoolers. So I really had no choice in whether or not I took part in any of the EC activities provided by the local school (as far as I was told) or EC found in my ‘community’.

Anyway, my question is this… For someone who doesn’t live in an area where EC activities are plentiful and highschools do not allow equal access to homeschoolers… what are the options I can take?

I am not worried about my grades, but I am terrified that my lack of EC will damage me in a major way. The only thing I can think of as EC activity is running a political blog and woodworking with my father in his woodshop… and that is pushing it. I’m planning on applying for college this year and I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do within this year that could help me in my EC fields by the time I write up my application… or does EC only count if it’s during highschool years?

I would greatly appreciate any help.


I would build off your political blog. Get involved in politics. Volunteer for a local politician. You could offer to do research about upcoming legislation for him/her. This might even be able to be done from your own home so you wouldn’t have to travel if it is a long distance. Advocate for a particular bill that is being discussed in your state. Speak about it before your state General Assembly (and this would be much easier to do if you already have a relationship established by volunteering for a local politician). There is much that you can do especially given your talent for writing and your interest in politics.

Wow, thank you for such a fast response.

Phew, glad to know there’s options for me even though I’m so late into the game (in regards to EC). My only concern now is whether or not the year that I have (before I actually start college) is enough time to build up EC to satisfy the college’s demands? I’m confident I can find something to do as EC work now, but I’m not sure if it will be ‘valid’ EC when I apply for a college due to it taking place after my highschool years.

EDIT: I also forgot that graphic design is a hobby of mine that I’ve done since I was 16. I am pretty darn good at it, too.

I definitely have experience with having to do EC’s in an “non-homeschool friendly district.”

If you’re into sports or music, that’s a great thing especially if you’ve maintained lessons or club participation up to this point. Club participation (not school club participation) in any type of thing like sports, speech, debate, etc. is a nice alternative. Volunteer work is another good thing to put on your EC list. If you’re involved with church in any way, you could possibly tie in woodworking with that. (Jesus, carpenter, seriously the opportunities are endless. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Whether or not you’re involved with church, you can hold woodworking classes possibly at the community center or maybe ask Home Depot (Doesn’t Home Depot run something like that where they run wood shop classes or workshops?) if you can pitch in there.

The politics spin is another great route to go. Be active. @davenmame‌ expresses it in more detail, but that’s another option.

It’s valid since you’re doing it now. From high school to now certainly counts. It’s pre-high school that can raise red flags: “I did a play when I was 9!!!”

I volunteer, work and play several instruments. In hindsight, I wish I had done something with a sanctioned group. I didn’t take music lessons, just taught myself and my volunteering was just me as well. I also did an engineering competition for two years, but I wish I had done something organized the two years I didn’t do that.