What can I do to boost my chances???

<p>I find out if I get accepted or not on March 18th. I applied for summer, 1150 on SAT, 3.3-3.4 GPA unweighted.... straight A's junior and senior year, EC and voluntary work include 4 years of habitat for humanity, working on a congressional campaign (doing video editing and internet communications), and voluntary work in a hospital. I am an in state student. FSU is my top choice by far, want to go there all my life... and if I don't get in I am going to UCF which is ok but I would not be happy. I know my chances of getting in are probably 50% if that and I need to know if there is anything I can do to increase that? Should I send a letter to the office of admissions telling them how much I want to go to FSU, should I get some good letters of recommendation, etc? Any advice is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I’m curious too, about the letters of recommendation. My son is deferred until his Feb. audition. He was also asked for his mid year grades. He will meet with Admissions during his audition visit.</p>

<p>Such things as personal visits are probably more effective if done early. If one waits to mid or late cycle the chances of standing out from the thousands of other applicants become reduced.</p>

<p>However, you just never know. Better to try everything you can.</p>

<p>visited Spring Break… :cool:</p>

<p>@ Rec Letters: At the admissions session, they said they take them, they aren’t required, and that they’ve never seen a rec that hurt an applicant. To me, that = “GO FOR IT!”</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip. I’m going to ask the principal of my high school whom I know personally and have a good relationship with if she’ll write a letter for me. Like you said, certainly can’t hurt.</p>

<p>Your upward trend in grades should be impressive to admissions. Best wishes to you.</p>

<p>UCF isn’t a bad school at all. My friends who go to UCF seem to like college more than the ones at FSU. UCF’s location does play a major factor though, because the nightlife is terrific.</p>

<p>you can try establishing email contact with an admissions rep. perhaps one you met when you visited. I would encourage you to email that person with any questions and or updates having to do with your application. The fact that you make these inquiries to someone in that department can certainly help your case.</p>

<p>UCF, from what i have gathered on these boards and from our visit there seems like a great choice as well. Our s goes to fsu and loves it, but has met several students (friends of his friends at fsu) that go to ucf and love it.</p>

<p>i hope you get in to FSU. it is a great place. I say. send everything you think can remotely benefit your application… i.e. rec, grade updates, awards, etc.</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses everyone. I have a letter of recomendation being sent, my mid-semester grades (all A’s), and I am going to send a letter to the admissions office. March 18th can’t come soon enough.</p>