What can I do to improve my chances?

<p>High school junior
Weighted GPA: 4.5
Unweighted: 3.67
Classes: All honors except for electives; only 1 AP Am. Gov class taken in sophomore year, will take more AP classes next year if possible
Extracurricular: Band, Student Council, Key club
Outside of school: Taekwondo (quit), Ballet
ACT: 23 (aiming for at least 30)
Hours: An embarrassingly low amount, I’m working on it!</p>

<p>Should I join a sports team? I can't get into any!
Also, would I have a better chance of getting in if I took the SAT?</p>

<p>I know I’m not great right now, but do you think that I can improve enough by senior year?</p>

<p>SAT is the kind of test where the questions require logic and sense, in which critical thinking is necessary. The questions are unique on its own to anything you see in school, therefore requires outside practice and studying. There is only Verbal/Math/Writing Book SAT books or go to prep schools.</p>

<p>ACT is more of the flexible exam which consists of everything from math to science to writing to reading, and even history (Not too sure because I’ve never taken the ACT). If you’re good with school work, you’ll do good in this type of exam.</p>

<p>I went to an elite prep school where the instructor told me that if you do well in the ACT but not so well in the SAT, you’re not really smart. But then again that was a prep school for Asians. Plus, you can be book-smart.</p>

<p>So these two exams are different on its own and each individual may perform extraordinarily well on one, than the other. So take both.</p>

<p>ECA wise, go out to your nearby hospital, law firm, public library, tutor school, fire station, and go volunteer in something that interests you. Join school clubs, or even make one on your own. Join the debate team, Model UN, Varsity sports team, Film crew, Dance clubs, Band, Orchestra, you name it. </p>

<p>NYU likes the well-rounded person, so make sure you have stuff to fill up your application with.</p>

<p>Sounds like your elite prep school instructor would have done better on the ACT.</p>