What can I do?

<p>Long story short I had to miss quite a lot of school last year and was forced into a lower Spanish class. Originally I was in Spanish III, but now I am in Spanish III communications. Basically Spanish IIII communications is as high as I can go down this road, but I would like to go further. I would like to move back into the faster paced class but I have already missed material needed for that class. I am going to talk to my guidance advisor but is anyone aware of anything I can do? Can I do something over the summer? </p>


<p>Couldn’t you take a college class over the summer?</p>

<p>Wouldn’t they let you substitute any other programs like Rosetta Stone??</p>

<p>I may be able to take a college course over the summer, not sure if it will fix my problem. And I have never heard of subsituting using Rosetta Stone but I will look into it. </p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>If you qualify for Johns Hopkins CTY, they offer high school distance ed classes in Spanish with very high caliber professors. However, the program is quite expensive.</p>