What can you do with a Criminal Justice Major?

<p>What can you do with a Criminal Justice Major? And what would be a good minor for that field?</p>

<p>CJ provides a good background in many things and can lead down many different paths. Pick any career within the CJ field - cop, attorney, jailer, federal agent, corporate CJ, etc… - and you’ll find that some need further education and some don’t. I’ve got a buddy at work that has been in corporate life his whole career and he has a bachelors and masters in CJ. He manages a team that deals with Risk, Corporate Security, and Loss/Fraud. The important thing is to develop skills … things like analysis skills, writing skills, computer skills, people skills, statistical skills, etc… because skills will crossover into many different careers. </p>

<p>My daughter will be a freshman next year and she will be majoring in CJ with either a double major or minor Psychology or Literature (she loves Lit). </p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>Get into Law School</p>