<p>For me the class that I find most annoying is art. Art would have been my favorite class if it wasn't for the teacher.. He is so rude! he loves making racist remarks about people, he is a pervert, he smells bad and criticizes all my projects. Not once this year has he said anything positive about my paintings.</p>
<p>I hate my Spanish class! I know this is gonna sound really dumb, but I resent the fact that we’re not allowed to speak in any other language BUT spanish when we’re in class. If you get caught saying so much as “I” or “and” in English, you will get points off your grade. It’s sooo frustrating… I’ve been caught too many times.</p>
<p>Also, the teacher gives out copious amounts of busy work, which I absolutely loathe (it’s such a waste of paper, too). I think the fact that it’s also my 1st class of the day doesn’t help much either, because I’m usually dead tired when I walk in and the last thing I want to do is conjugate verbs and think in Spanish.</p>
<p>AP Stats.</p>
<p>It’s like “Girl A and Girl B went shopping. Girl A bought 5 items with an average price of $5, and girl B bought 5 items with an average price of $200. Run a T-Test of the difference of means to VERIFY that Girl B statistically bought more expensive items.”</p>
<p>Sorry but I don’t need a math problem that takes 15 minutes to do to figure out the obvious.</p>
<li>Psychology: Yes, I know history is important, but do we really need to learn about all of these wrong theories? It doesn’t help that both teachers I’ve had both have somewhat monotone voices.</li>
<li>Calculus: Just because we learn at such a slow pace and the busy work doesn’t help it earn points…</li>
<li>Statistics: Teacher is too moody. Can range anywhere from laughing at nerdy stuff to on the verge of becoming insane.</li>
Really, I’m never going to need to know the area under a curve or the answer to the problem Cody presented.
I need addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Nothing more, nothing less.</p>
<p>Teacher is the epitome of the crazy Chinese lady stereotype, and your grade for the class is based on homework assignments. Since there’s no late work policy, forgetting to do/losing a measly worksheet means your grade tanks fast.
Doesn’t help that digestion starts in that class, or that I have no friends in there…CC kids, how have you dealt with this (I ask because I’m sure lots of you are accelerated in classes).</p>
<p>I’m great at speaking it. I’m not good at the structure and grammar. She spends one day on it and moves on…the day of the quiz, she goes over what will be on it. It’s difficult to study…when we haven’t learned what we are supposed to study yet. I end up studying things wrong.</p>
<p>Child development. Instead of finding myself amongst individuals who might, in the future, make groundbreaking neuroscience and pediatric discoveries, I gaze jadedly around a room full of students whose only use for a child development class will be in rearing offspring of their own before, likely, the next leap year.</p>
<p>I agree with leila. It doesn’t help that the teacher pretty much despises me because I miss a lot of her classes (she’s my first class so I get “headaches” and “have to rest” a lot…). Also, she thinks I suck at grammar; but it’s only because I lose all my verb conjugations in front of her and thus always end up talking in third person. </p>
<p>There’s too much busywork, and I haven’t learned ANYTHING new for the past two years.</p>
<p>AP Chem is the hardest. Most annoying is AP Human Geography.</p>
<p>I feel like the teacher has no idea what she’s teaching. She literally takes test questions out of the books as if she were making a study guide. It’s COMPLETELY irrelevant to the subject matter at hand, and the only way to do well on the tests is to memorize every fact and sentence. Which I could probably do, but the book is so boring.</p>
<p>French, I can speak it so well, but the teacher freaking sucks ass. My grades have dropped gradually in that class since middle school. A+/A/A-/B+/B/B-/C+/C, those have been my quarter grades since the beginning of high school.</p>
<p>Ever since elementary school, I have consistently hated history. </p>
<p>I’m the stereotypical math/science person who is incapable of not rolling their eyes at history, especially history zealots.</p>
<p>English simply because of the sub-par teachers I’ve had before this year. My school’s English curriculum is really unorganized and basically consists of shoving books, poems, and other readings onto students (who may not know how to read well) without giving any proper writing instruction.</p>
<p>Right now AP Government. The teacher is an idiot who simply believes that shoving down random information down our throats will help us pass the AP exams. The information we receive is so unorganized that it makes it impossible to follow. About 90% of the class is surely to fail this exam. The 10% are either studying on their own, or hoping that the stuff they learned in their regular US History class or APUSH(me) will allow them to pass.</p>
<p>She focuses too much on homework and believes that our ability or inability to do them precisely defines the grade that we will get on the exam. The worst part about this is that she looks at the quality of the homework, and by quality I mean she only checks if you wrote the question before the answer, wrote down the name of the handout on the paper, and put the heading in the right area. She doesn’t check the answers which is very annoying. You can somewhat get away with a good grade in the class though. You have to present a sob story and you’re in or make up some missing homework. A sob story got me an 85 in the class.</p>
<p>Also, she gives us only checks on our “free response essays” when she’s checking them. That’s right boys and girls, she doesn’t give a number grade which would give us some perception on how our essays are coming out and where exactly we need improvement. Some teachers can tell when we do our homework right before class. We can tell that this teacher grades the papers right before class. Another example of her stupidity and FAIL label as a teacher is that after the first few weeks of outline writing for some chapters we all decided that plagiarizing our outlines would be much easier. So we have a bunch of outlines one on top of the other that look 99% alike. Does she notice? Nope. We have been doing this since the 2nd outline she’s given us to do, and she pretty much assigns a new outline like every two weeks.</p>
<p>Gym. 99% of the student body and I hate the teacher.</p>
<p>Haha one of my friends might want to teach elementary school, so she thought that child development would be a good class to take. One day, they had take your child to school day (it is not uncommon for girls in my school to be mothers). Upon seeing the look on my friend’s face (which I’m sure was indifference more than anything else), one of her classmates reassured her not to worry, because she (my friend) is beautiful and will find a guy and she too, would soon have a child to call her own. </p>
<p>As for me, Spanish. It’s just too boring and I have it last period and all I want to do is go home. It doesn’t help that most of the kids in the class are certified idiots.</p>
<p>US History.</p>
<p>All we do in class is relearn the things in that we had to do for reading. I’m sure I’d do well in the class if I skipped every class and just did the reading… >.<</p>
<p>AP Eng Lit. That class makes me want to fall asleep, and it’s right after lunch and the last “real” period of my day. Oh I hate it so.</p>
<p>Math has gotten to be quite irritating at this point. I’m not bad at it; I just think math classes almost completely erase the problem solving aspect and thus the whole point of math itself… </p>
<p>In my freshman year, I also hated biology. There was way too much memorization of facts I perceived to be mundane and irrelevant.</p>
<p>I agree with rayna… I, as has everyone else I know, have been learning US History since I was in elementary school. By junior year, its gets a bit old.</p>