What class do you find the most annoying?

<p>Sports, Entertainment, and Fashion Marketing. The only thing we’re doing in the fourth quarter is this giant project where we sell one item. The project is our only grade for the fourth quarter. The presentation is about 20 - 30 minutes. I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I’m going to die.</p>

Sure, I enjoy learning about our government but the way it’s taught at my school is just… terrible. The teacher gives us quizzes two times a week on random things - not what we already learned. We basically have to know the book inside and out before he teaches it to us. |: Needless to say, I HATE that class. I mean, sure we should read ahead in the chapter but 10 chapters ahead? I think not.</p>

<p>english lit and history. both are just so boring.</p>

<p>spanish .</p>

<p>Wellness(fancy name for gym)
The teacher considers wellness to be the most important class in the school and that we need to get A to get into college. And he yells at us if we call the class “gym” instead of wellness. Finally, he considers freshmen as stupid, immature children.</p>

<p>I find English to be very annoying because it is all subjective. Your teacher is basically grading you on your opinion. I can understand grading on how effectively you assert it, but I still don’t see the real purpose.</p>

<p>Latin is annoying because… well… it’s Latin and translating 25-30 lines during class each day is not fun.</p>

<p>marine science - only took it because a friend told me to and now he’s not even there ! Well second semester I just gave up and have an F (38%), it’s not worth my time. I just sit and leave.</p>



<p>This coming from a person with the username ‘Salve!’? </p>

<p><em>is rather amused</em></p>

<p>AP Env Science Really Sucks!! The topics are boring…
I wish I would have taken physics. The teacher gives way too much busy work!</p>



<p>Haha, just because I find the class annoying doesn’t mean I don’t like the subject. The language can be neat but my class is horrible.</p>

<p>I also hate math… Thank god I dont have math this year.</p>

<p>I hate Environmental Science the teacher is nuts</p>

<p>Chemistry, although I love the actual subject material. I don’t even have a problem with the massive workload that gets piled on in there. What I do have a problem with are the people in there who sit off by themselves in the corner, try to monopolize discussions by cutting off anybody else who volunteers an answer, and constantly analyze everyone else’s grades so they can figure out who is ranked ahead of them (not to mention their loud discussions assessing the intelligence of their “competition”). It’s beyond annoying.</p>

<p>(rant :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>English. Probably the most boring class, next to French. Its not even that French is boring, but for both classes, the time just creeps by, and next year they are extending our period lengths! SHOOT ME.</p>

<p>Advanced Writing-I turn in the best paper I have ever written. The comments at the end read “Wow, this is an amazing essay, only a few minor grammatical errors. 86/100”</p>

<p>Since when did teachers start taking off 14 points for “a few minor grammatical errors”?</p>

<p>Worm psychology. yeeppp. delving into the mysterious depths of a worm’s mind…</p>

<p>English, I get B+s every time because I am “not creative”</p>

<p>I prove all my points thoroughly, write decent theses, and my teacher says my textual support is excellent.</p>

<p>But I’m not creative…No flowing prose, no “arcane” vocabulary words.</p>

<p>It’s usually always the class I have an A-.</p>

<p>My AP Euro teacher made us create a crossword and I somehow got a 7/10 and it made my grade drop from a 95.27 to a 94.2. That makes me maaaaaddddddd. I dont want to sound stuck up but I find the annoying classes to be the classes I dont do well in and thus have to put in more extra work to bring em up.</p>

<p>My French grade dropped from a 103 to a 95. Baaaddd.</p>

<p>My Math grade dropped from a 99 to a 95. Baaadddd.</p>

<p>My chem grade rose from a 93 to a 96. Goooood.</p>

<p>And my Spanish grade has stayed at a 99 forever. Goooooood.</p>

<p>English is up and down from a 96 and 95.</p>

<p>So I guess the classes Im annoyed with right now are AP EURO!!! (It’s my best class too… ***?) French, and Math.</p>

<p>TOK (Theory of Knowledge) </p>

<p>I don’t mind the class itself (easy A), but people like to talk about the same thing EVERY class (politics, religion, abortion, gay marriage, etc.). It gets old when people use the same arguments each time and no one says anything different from what they did last time, not even bothering to come up with a new counter argument. It’s just “blah blah blah here’s my opinion… Well, I think blah blah blah, but… <em>sigh</em> I digress.” I swear I’ve heard the word “digress” no less than 100 times in that class alone.</p>

<p>I’m so sorry Adam. That sounds like a terrible ordeal. A 1.1ish point decrease!? Unspeakable</p>

<p>I find every class annoying. Senior FTW</p>