<p>Math, my ex-best friend is in it and she is supposedly the best mathematician in our class, and thinks this means she has the right to be rude and I hate her laugh (that’s mean, but it just makes me want to start swearing at her). She does a program where she is excelerated by two years, and the rest of the class one, so she thinks she is superior and rudely walks out of class (without saying anything) to get a drink or whatever.</p>
<p>PE, the teacher last year was just plain mean. She made “the Asians” (her words not mine) stay behind to pack up the volleyball nets. And this year, the teacher is annoying because I met her twice at my old golf club and she didn’t even acknowlege me but talked to my friend, and another time ignored me but talked to my brother.</p>
<p>Spanish, I’m in a class with the kids who don’t care about their education just because their parents can easily afford thousands of dollars for school fees a year. They ask the teacher if we can play “heads down thumbs up” and “sleeping lions”.</p>
<p>Maori (NZ native language class), the teacher always says “the Asians” are going to learn faster than the class which makes everyone feel awkward. He also held a class party and ordered food at lunch when I had chamber music practice, but he made every student pay for it. Even the students who couldn’t come.</p>