What classes are u guys taking next semester?

<p>My freshman year (but I APed out of Chem I and II and Calc I and II, as well as a few other courses)</p>

<p>Genetics/Biochemistry Major</p>


<p>Research Methods in Psych
Bio For Non-Majors (plus Lab)
Health Education (a GE)
Spanish comp.</p>

<p>Pure Math / Comp Sci double major (Sophomore).</p>

<p>Honors Calc 3
Honors Linear Algebra 2
Honors Combinatorics (might drop this and pick up Ring Theory)
Differential Equations
Sequential Programming</p>

<p>18 hours total.</p>

<p>I am gonna be a freshman at UIUC in the fall,</p>

<p>MATH 241. Calculus III
SPCOM 102. Introduction To Speech Communication
ECON 102. Microeconomic Principles
PHYCS 110. Physics Careers
PHYCS 214. Quantum Physics
PHYCS 213. Thermal Physics</p>

<p>I'm going to USC./..</p>

<p>Im not sure about these yet but i hope to get them.. my dumb counselor won't sign me up over the phone and i can't goto the orientations.. ***</p>

<p>FA 102. Design Fundamentals(33260d)
FA 101. Drawing(33202r)
Religion Studies (<- or something like that)
CTWR 140. Writing and Critical Reasoning</p>

<p>EN205B Creative Writing
HN201B Principles of Playwriting (Honor's)
HN202C Exploring Leadership (Honor's, I'm in a leadership program)
MA152A Calc & Analytic Geometry (Doesn't really go with my English major, but I like math)</p>

<p>Freshman at Penn; Math/Econ double-major (requested schedule...hopefully it'll work out)</p>

<p>MATH104 Calculus I (basically, cal for people who have already taken it in HS)
ECON001 Intro to Microeconomics
ASTR007 Freshman Seminar: Big Bang and Beyond
ENGL009 Writing Seminar: Gotham</p>

<p>Can y'all include what you're majoring in to give the reader a reason for reading the list of courses?</p>

<p>Political Science major</p>

<p>Astronomy 161 - A Journey Through the Solar System with Lab
English 101 - Freshman English
French 211 - Intermediate French
Math 113 - Mathematical Reasoning
Poli Sci 101 - US Govt & Politics</p>

<p>My advisor told me that since my major is not math/natural science related to take easy courses in those areas so that I can easily satisfy Gen Ed Requirements. </p>

<p>Poli Sci 101 is a pre-req to my major along with 102 - Intro to Poli Sci. I was going to take 102 this fall, but they cancelled my class and the others were full. :(</p>

<p>Sophomore, Apparel merchandising major</p>

<p>Chem 1030/1031- Fundamentals of Chemistry with Lab
FLFR 1020- Elementary French 2
ENGL 2200- World Lit 1
CAHS 1750- Product development (yay major req's, not)</p>

<p>three graduate courses...</p>

<p>math 531- differential topology
math 596- individual studies
econ 589- seminar in econometric theory</p>

<p>and a 001!</p>

<p>rus 001- elementary russian 1</p>

<p>...math is pretty.</p>

<p>Chemical Engineering</p>

<p>Math 254 - Vector Calculus
CH 224 - Chem w/lab
SP 311 - Spanish
ChE 101 - Intro to Chem. Engineering
ALS 112 - Footsteps (a "welcome to college" one-credit class that includes a camping trip - specifically for women in engineering and science!)</p>

<p>Theatre/Elementary Education</p>

<p>THEA 110- Intro to Acting
THEA 120- Stagecraft
THEA 121- Stagecraft Lab
PHIL 160- Intro to Human Nature
MATH 104/105- Statistics
ENGL 110- College Writing
MUSC 175- Piano</p>