<p>Well, with everybody posting threads about course selections for next year, I just wanted to see what you guys were taking.</p>
<p>Here's what I'm planning to do (if I don't get into another school)</p>
<p>Junior year
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
AP Environmental Science (1 earth science credit is required to graduate)
AP English
AP US history
Latin 3 (H)
Physics (H)
Computer Programming II (H) </p>
<p>Eh, I don't know about Computer Programming. I took Programming I freshman year, but since they didn't offer Programming II this year, I just skipped it and self studied Comp sci. Would it look bad if I took it? I mean, its not like programming II is going over the same things since its taught in C++...</p>
<p>And if I self studied Environmental Science and took the AP exam and scored well on it, do you think they'll count it as a credit? In that case, I'll just switch out both Comp programming and Environmental to take AP Bio instead. Too bad my school doesn't offer any other APs... I never liked Biology much.</p>
<p>Well, my entire class already scheduled for senior year, but kids with dual APs have no study, so we always have to go last when it comes time to pick the schedules. This isn't final yet...but right now, I'm thinking:</p>
<p>Senior year
AP Euro History
AP Calc
AP English Comp./Lit
AP Physics
Human Physiology Honors
Spanish IV
And the required lab/gym period...no study again this year! AWESOME.</p>
<p>I'm just not 100% on whether I want AP English or just honors. Obviously, it's my senior year, so the whole trying to impress for colleges will be pretty much over. I love to write (and I'm good at it), but I'm awful at the whole literary analysis end of English. On top of that, the AP Euro teacher is INSANE, so being bogged down with four APs when it's not really necessary just doesn't seem smart to me.</p>
<p>I'd rather just take three, be able to stay focused, and make life a tad easier for me.</p>
<p>i really have no idea because almost every ap course at my school is offered only 4th period, which is the longest period of the day so all the teachers want it for their class..... so i will most likely have major schedule conflicts. thats why i am taking some community college classes.</p>
advanced sports medicine
ap english?
ap comparative gov?
ap european?
math 124, math 125, math 126 (calc sequence at community college)
sociology 101
anthropology 201
chem 164 chem 165 (nonorganic and organic)</p>
AP English II
AP Statistics
AP Institute for Political and Legal Education
AP Macroeconomics
AP Computer Science
AP Biology or AP Chemistry (if my counselor makes me take a lab science)
Wind Ensemble Honors
<p>I'm going to post my "ideal" list, since I may not be eligible for some...</p>
<p>Sophomore Year</p>
<p>-Honors Modern American Literature
-Honors French I
-Honors Geometry
-Honors Algebra II [just taking the exam for credit]
-Christian Scripture [required]
-Honors Biology
-AP Human Geography
-Honors Computer Science I</p>
<p>There's a very high chance that I won't be able to take AP Human Geography and possibly not even Honors. But possibly. I screwed up first semester really bad, and I'm afraid that my Honors World History teacher just won't approve me. That's why I'm going to talk to the Guidance Counselor Monday...</p>
<p>And I have a long history about my math level is extremely low. But three important words: Sucky middle school.</p>
<p>How do you take both Calc AB and BC? Hm...I haven't completely decided yet, and I only have until next month. Can't believe it's almost time to pick already. I'm going to be a junior/senior (early grad), so it's sort of confusing.</p>
<p>For sure:
-AP Calc BC
-AP Comp Sci AB
-Physics H</p>
<p>Uncertain (in order of likelihood):
-American Lit, Brit Lit (would be first but we'll see if they let me), AP English, or AP Comp/Lang
-AP Gov/Econ, US History</p>
<p>Extra (one or two):
-Spanish 4H (depends on the teacher)
-AP Stats
-AP Bio
-hm...a CC class?</p>
<li>AP US History</li>
<li>Spanish IVH</li>
<li>English 11H</li>
<li>AP Calculus</li>
<li>Peer Tutoring</li>
<li>AP Chemistry</li>
<li>AP Chemistry Lab</li>
<li>AP European History or work as an office aide?</li>
<p>I'm not sure about Euro yet. It seems like a good idea [I want to go pre-law in college], but the idea of two AP history classes seems a bit intimidating.</p>
<p>Sophmore year (In class order I want)-
1. PIB French III
2. AP Calculus AB
3. IB Computer Studies
4. AP U.S. Government/ w/e crap class they give us after the semester
5. PIB Chemistry I
6. AP Statistics
7. AP English lang.</p>
<p>My school doesn't have AP classes so I am stuck with only honors classes. Also, we don't have some classes for a full year. It is very confusing. Some classes are only a semester while others last 'til June. </p>
<p>Senior Year</p>
<p>Honors Calculus
Honors Physics
Contemporary World Studies
Nanotech Engineering
Course to complete a senior project
British Lit.<br>
Childrens Lit.
Public Speaking
Legal Research
Legal Writing</p>
<p>French 4
AP English 3
AP Modern US History
AP Chem
Physics H
AP Computer Science
AP Econ
that's assuming of course, that they can schedule that.</p>
<p>and multivariable and linear algebra at home...</p>
<p>AP English Lit
AP Macroeconomics/US Gov't
AP World History or Human Geo or Psychology
AP Music Theory
AP Physics C Mech. and E&M
Multivariable Calculus & Diff. Equations</p>
<p>If it all of them fit together that would be amazing but it might be hard because the last 3 are only offered 1 period each.</p>
Why would you wanna take 6 APs senior year? Have fun not sleeping at all
It's not that I want to, it's that I have to.</p>
<p>My sleep ethic dicatates that I'm in bed by 11:00 at the latest on school nights. I have never broken it and I'm confident that I never will have to in the future, regardless of how many APs I have.</p>
<p>AP Spanish Lit
AP Psychology
AP English Lit
Economics/Issues in American Society (semester each)
Astronomy (one semester)
Phys. Ed. (cycled)</p>
<p>..Yeah, I'm taking it light senior year. No hard science or math. :)</p>