<p>I'm planning on transferring to Claremont Mckenna in fall 2011 so these are the classes I need to take in the next two semesters:</p>
<p>Intro to Philosophy
Intro to Psychology
Intro to American Politics
English Comp II
A Biological Science with Lab
A Physical Science with lab
Calculus I & II
2 Semesters of PE</p>
<p>I'm not quite sure how to space them out, I was thinking of taking Lit, Phil, Psyc, Amer Pol., Calc I, and PE next fall. Then bio, astronomy (for physical science), Calc II, Engl Comp 2, and PE in the spring. I guess my main concern would be taking astronomy and bio together, would that be too much in addition to calc II and English? Also I'm hoping to take the calculus classes as honors classes, as well as lit and engl, so would that be too much?</p>
<p>You should consult with your advisor and with the transfer counselors at your CC. They have a lot of experience with helping students like you sort out their schedules.</p>
<p>I’d suggest one math and one science each semester, along with one English and one of the other reading/writing heavy courses and PE. I’d also encourage you to take the third course from Philosphy/Psych./Politics in the summer term so that you have less reading and writing to do in the regular school year. It is going to be really tough to try to squeeze all of the courses on your list (especially with two math, two lab sciences, and a bunch of honors sections) into only 9 months.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I would take first:</p>
Calc I
Eng Comp II
Bio Sci
Calc II
<p>What I generally do and that works for me is I get rid of the suckier classes before, but also try to split it with classes I know I’ll love (make sense?). So if I hate history, but love science, I’ll take 2 science courses and 2 history… That way I don’t make a miserable semester. Also try not to take more than 2 STEM courses at once, because they always involve lab and take a lot of time! Not to mention, ALWAYS look at ratemyprofessors.com because something I found out after my first semester is that a good teacher really does make a difference.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>yea take: </p>
Calc I
Eng Comp II
Bio Sci