What Classes should Transfers take before UW?

<p>I am going to a CC this year.</p>

<p>Is there a list somewhere of classes that I should take to make my application look better to Wisconsin? </p>

<p>Or should I just take random History/Science/English classes?</p>

<p>No list of courses to take as a college student elsewhere to look good to UW. You do want college level courses and not remedial math/English- those credits won’t transfer. But get them over with if you need them.</p>

<p>You do want to take courses you will need to meet breadth requirements and those needed for a proposed major at UW. You also want to take courses that transfer their credits well. For Wisconsin colleges (and some OOS) you can find out how many credits you will receive towards a UW degree from various courses taken elsewhere. Before you sign up for your CC classes you can use the UW transfer site info to maximize the credits taken- go for those that transfer well. It could be that your “History 101” for 4 credits only gets you 3 UW credits while another course may be 4 for 4.</p>

<p>Check the prerequisites for courses in your proposed or likely UW field on the UW site (if you plan to transfer you will need to learn how to use the course info site- open to the public) and take courses you can use. You can also check general graduation requirements, including foreign language, and different majors’ reqs. Do not take CC courses when you would rather have the UW version.</p>

<p>“Random” is not the way to do it. Take some time to figure which courses you can use to meet requirements, have the most credits transfer, prepare you for UW courses later. Notice- it is all about what works best for you and your education, that is the way to impress a college. Get as many A’s as you can- you need a gpa above 3.0 for transfer. But also challenge yourself so you are prepared for the rigor of UW courses.</p>

<p>Thank you for all that information-- but I am going to a California CC so none of those transfer planning/transfer guide links on the UW website apply to me. I did however take a look at the GRs and Breadth requirements so I hope the classes I take will transfer</p>

<p>Also- look at how your courses would transfer to and are useful at the major UCs, they would likely transfer equally to UW.</p>