What colleges can I get into?

<p>I am an international student from Asia. </p>

<p>SAT1: CR = 620; MATH = 800; WRITTING = 570;
SAT2: math level 2 = 800; physics = 800; chemistry = 800; :):)</p>

Many many awards in math and science competitions in my country. </p>

<p>Best student in my school. I don't know how to calculate so called GPA(we don't use such things in my country, we only have score lists).</p>

<p>Some valuable ECs, but not much;</p>

<p>What's more, I need a lot of financial aids. :(:(</p>

<p>I want to go to Ivies~~ If I can't, any other good choices?</p>

<p>You seem like a pretty smart kid and I am assuming a reason your writing and reading scores are not up to par with your Math is because you are from another country. Try to see if you can take the TOEFL, eventhough I hear it is a pretty expensive test.</p>

<p>Thanks for your encouragement.</p>

<p>You can't imagine how hard to prepare for SAT's CR and Writting as an foreigner. I have taken TOEFL before and I believe my score is enough~</p>

<p>What I concern is my financial request. I can offer only a few thousand dollar a year for my study. And the colleges that offer International students financial aids are very few.</p>

<p>I know it's hard to learn a foreign language, and what you've done shows a lot of talent (far above average) and hard work. Unfortunately, however, you're competing against foreign students who literally are geniuses when it comes to learning foreign languages. Your scores will be compared to theirs. </p>

<p>I think that given your weak verbal ECs, even if your scores rise some, Ivies will be a distant reach. Having high verbal scores is more important than having high math/science scores for Ivies because no matter what you major in, you'll have to do a lot of reading and writing. There are many students --including foreign students who moved recently to the US -- who have stronger ECs and scores.</p>

<p>Since your family can't afford to pay much for your college, that also would rule out the many other colleges that don't have great financial aid for internationals.</p>

<p>I think it will be very hard for you to find a US school that will accept you and that you can afford. IMO it may be best to get your undergraduate degree in your home country and then to come to the US for grad school. </p>

<p>Fine to apply to US schools as long as you realize that they are reaches. Make sure, however, that you also are applying to some colleges where you know you will gain entrance and can afford to attend.</p>

<p>you don't have the best shot at the Ivies... you should still apply to the Ivies you'd like to go to though. but your scores are more than competitive enough for a lot of schools that aren't as selective as the Ivies... i'm not sure what schools are good for internationals and which give good aid to internationals but just know that you are a very competitive applicant to most schools outside of the top 25</p>

<p>MIT's crazy hell hard to get in.</p>

<p>i would suggest that you go to a lesser school in the united states, they will still give you quite a challenge (especially since you'll have to learn english) and will be considerably easier to get in as well as being easy on your wallet
ivies are likely beyond your reach since your english skills are rather lacking</p>

<p>Thanks for your advice. You are so kind~:)</p>

<p>English seems like a huge obstacle to me, though I have tried my best.</p>

<p>Could you tell me some good schools that focus more on math and science?</p>

<p>Caltech and Harvey Mudd</p>

<p>Dream, Please provide more information about your background -- country, ethnic group, religion, economic status, etc. Diversity of all types is very important at American colleges. If you fall into a category that a college needs to increase its diversity percentage then you can expect some special consideration, both in admissions and in financial aid.</p>

<p>As a GENERAL statement (for sure there are always exceptions) the Ivies + MIT, Stanford and other highly selective big, research universities have plenty of international applicants. Although your math and science scores are good, you will be competing against others who have both good math plus good CR and writing scores. </p>

<p>In order to have a shot at these super selectives you would have to offer something more. This is where your ECs and life experiences come in so please provide more information about your "valuable ECs."</p>

<p>Another idea would be to look at some of the small liberal arts colleges. These provide an excellent education (including science and math) and often rely on international students to increase their diversity balance. </p>

<p>A good place to start would be Amherst, Williams, Middlebury and Macalester as I think these three are all need blind for, or at least generous to, internationals. For others you should go to the individual college's website to find out how they treat aid for interationals.</p>

<p>Do you have a counselor at your school who can help you? Have other students attended US colleges? Comparing your credentials to others' is a good way to get an idea of what your chances are.</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know how it goes.</p>

<p>Caltech and Harvey Mudd are good possibilities. Mudd, however, will require you to become very comfortable with english. The professors will not mind helping you out if you need it though. I have a friend at Mudd who has that same problem...she worked very hard at it and she came through just fine.</p>

<p>Maybe it's because I'm tired and listening to a slow emotional song or I'm just in a strange mood, but I can't help but feel weird when I read these types of things. Let me just tell you dream, you are an AMAZING person and extremely intelligent. I could never learn your language as well as you have learned mine and I wish you the best of luck. It seems that US Colleges aren't as generous w/ international students as we would all like, so I definitely suggest listening to these peoples advice. Small liberal arts colleges are great and that is a good suggestion. I seriously wish you the best of luck because something about you made me really wish that you could just find the perfect place for you and do really well. Best of luck!!!!</p>