What colleges can I go to?

<p>I'm kind of lost and I have no idea where I want to go for college. I'm also not sure what I want to major in yet. Most likely it will be Pre-med, Public Health, or Biomedical Engineering. </p>

<p>I am going to be a high school senior at a magnet school(for engineering). Can anyone give me recommendations? Thank you so much. :)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA- 4.0
Weighted GPA- 4.8
Rank- 1 out of about 500</p>

<p>SAT- 2100 (plan on retaking in October)
CR- 640
Math- 760
W- 700</p>

<p>ACT (taking in Sept. or Oct.)</p>

World History- 5
U.S. History- 5
English Language- 4</p>

<p>AP classes I am taking next year
Calculus AB
U.S. Government
English Literature
Statistics (self-study because schedule didn't work out)</p>

National Honor Society (10, 11)
(Local/City) Youth Orchestra, after school program (11)
I will continue to be in both of these clubs next year as well and I might join Math or Medical club next year.</p>

Math tutoring

Student of the month, engineering (9)
Student of the month, music (11)
Honor Orchestra (10, 11)
All State Orchestra (11)
National History Day, 1st place State (11)
Straight A's
Violin (11 years)</p>

<p>I’m looking for what colleges I can apply too. Like if I have a chance at some of the top schools. Thanks.</p>

<p>Uhh you have great chances at the elite schools… I normally hate chancing but even I will point this out… Get the SAT higher for extra security I suppose.</p>

<p>Look into the schools and see what you like, don’t base it all on their academics.</p>

<p>Schools to consider;</p>

<p>University of Washington( definitley look at this!!! )
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
John Hopkins( look at this as well )
University of Michigan</p>

<p>@Tenors: People have been telling me that I can make it to those elites, but I never really had confidence in myself, so I wanted to ask here, thanks.</p>

<p>@SeattleBulldog: I heard that John Hopkins if one of the best for Biomedical Engineering, that’s a good recommendation. I never thought of the University of Washington. I will do some research on the schools you recommended. Thanks.</p>

<p>What can your family afford and what is your home state? I don’t think UW gives much merit aid for OOS applicants.</p>

<p>My home state is Nevada, and I would like to go out of state. My family is a lower middle class making about $50,000/year(not subtracting tax yet). My parents said they try to help me pay if I get into a top college, but would prefer me getting as much scholarship I can get.</p>

<p>Try out of state privates that give merit or need based aid. USC may be a good option…</p>

<p>@UCBChemEGrad: Thanks for the advice. I the first one in my family to go to college, so I’m confused about college.</p>

<p>You’re in the right place to learn :)</p>

<p>How about full tuition at U Alabama? [Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html]Out-of-State”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html)</p>

<p>panda9, with your stats you can get into many excellent schools. The key question is:</p>

<li><p>What can your family afford? If you will need extensive financial aid, focus on private universities and honors programs in your own state that may offer $$. There are also some public schools - such as University of Alabama - which also offer generous money to OOS (out of state) students. But mostly, if you need financial aid, think Ivy League (generous FA,) private schools, and look into merit scholarships available at your flagship university</p></li>
<li><p>Also consider your own preferences: </p></li>
<li><p>Close to home, or “away”</p></li>
<li><p>size: small (say, fewer than 5,000 students) or a large research university?</p></li>
<li><p>urban, suburban, or “in the middle of nowhere”</p></li>
<li><p>ethnically diverse?</p></li>

<p>Once you have a general idea of what exactly you need and want from a school, it becomes much easier to start narrowing down your options. Good luck!</p>

<p>@Erin’s Dad: Wow, that’s a really good OOS scholarship. Thank you so much! Do you know of any others similar?</p>

<p>@katliamom: My parents make about $50,000/year and they said they are willing to pay/borrow money for me if I get into a really good college. I’m not too sure as to how much we will be able to borrow, but I prefer scholarships.</p>

<p>There are only like two public universities at my home state, Nevada. UNLV and UNR.</p>

<p>My problem is that I don’t have much preference except for being accepted to a good college. But I’ll try to think more about that. Thanks. :)</p>

<p>You might check here. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Erin’s Dad: Thank you so much! You have helped me a lot.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your high school achievements. Your stats will likely earn you admission to many good schools. An equally important task in this process is to find a school which also meets your financial needs (a financial safety). </p>

<p>You’ve stated your desire to go out of state and have received some good advice so far. Of course you should investigate all these opportunities, but don’t be too quick to entirely dismiss your in state schools.</p>

<p>Your stats have earned you substantial merit scholarships at either UNLV (at least $3000) or UNR (at least $5000). You have also earned the Millennium Scholarship ($1920), which can only be used in Nevada. Since both schools have rolling admissions, it is easy to just tell yourself that you’ll apply there only if all else fails. I urge you to apply early so that you have the best chance at maximum scholarship money.</p>

<p>@LVKris: Thank you, I will make sure to keep that in mind and take your advice to apply early. Thanks.</p>

<p>I have another question, for my safety schools (UNLV, UNR, University of Alabama), should I send my SAT score(the 2100 I have now), or wait until after I retake the SAT?</p>

<p>Your current SAT score and GPA puts you in the top category for guaranteed merit aid at all three schools. The only reason to delay sending your score is if there are also competitive merit awards available for which an improved SAT score would make you a stronger candidate. </p>

<p>At UNLV, the highest level scholarships (Midby/Byron and Provost’s) are awarded until funds are exhausted. Apply early so you don’t miss out!</p>

<p>@LVKris: Okay, thanks for the advice. I will try to apply for all three of them as soon as possible then.</p>