I have a low GPA, live in Oklahoma.
I really want to get into UTAustin, UMich, USC, UCBerkley/D/I/AS, University of Florida. Please help guys.
Hello, my best friend has a 3.52 (UW) 4.51 (W) GPA and she got into BC, Wellesley, UChicago, Northeastern so far. She had very strong ECs, essays, and recommendations, though.
@kayture what where her test scores and what race is she?
Thank you for the reply !!
Is that a weighted or unweighted GPA? My son had an unweighted GPA of 3.3-3.4, but his weighted was closer to a 4.0. His UC-weighted GPA was slightly over 4.0, as I recall, on account of IB and AP classes.His test scores (single seating, second try for each) were 2060 SAT (730M/710CR/620W)/31 ACT (I can’t remember precise breakdown, but I think it was 35 for English/33 Writing/29 Math/27 Science). He had terrific leadership ECs and strong recommendations. He got into UCSB, UC Davis, Tulane, Occidental, Pitzer, Whitman,New College of Florida, Willamette, Guilford, and Eckerd. Berkeley, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Claremont-McKenna rejected him. He was waitlisted at UWashington (Seattle) and Reed.
One of my siblings got into Cornell with a 3.4 (unweighted), the other got into Harvard with a 3.8 (unweighted). They both took the most challenging courses offered. So it depends on your courses, your standardized test scores and your AP (or IB) scores. Are you by chance being recruited? It obviously depends on your indicated field of study as well and the demographics of your current high school.
for you: (Without knowing your course load, test scores or AP scores)
safety- florida (i don’t actually know much about u of f)
likely- ut austin
low reach- u mich
reach- uc berkley, usc
^^^^ with amazing test and AP scores, berkley and usc could be low reaches or even likely for you
Thanks!! That cheered me up. I have yet to take ACT or SAT or PSAT but will soon. My coursework is all adv. and AP and my elective right now are engineering and image design but I will switch to BioMed next year as my elective. Also doing some medical related stuff over the summer. School is also very competitive, 1300 kids in just my class alone. EC are the medical club and volunteering clubs. Totally going to strengthen those.
What were your siblings other stats btw?
Wow that’s really good. Just curious are you guys OOS cause just found out about the terrible financial aid the UCs give.
Got accepted so far into Virginia Tech and Tulane University. My UW GPA is a 3.5 and a 4.0 W. For most of my top choice schools (Tulane, UCSD, Vandy, and Rice) I was definitely on the lower end of the curve in terms of GPA, but writing strong essays and having good ECs is just as important.
Those are all possible.
I speak on behalf of UC Berkeley as I live very close to it and have lots of friends that go there: Even if your GPA is low, you still have a chance. There are plenty of people that have low GPA’s and got in; recruited or not. They just don’t hop on CC.
That’s awesome!!! Let me know where you go. I’d love to know.
Oh really? That’s great!! Do you know anything about OOS financial aid?