<p>By open curriculum I mean like Brown has, with no core or required classes except for the major</p>
<p>Wesleyan is one</p>
<p>U of Rochester</p>
<p>10 chars</p>
<p>Does anyone know of any like this on the west coast?</p>
<p>Any ideas?</p>
<p>Evergreen (Washington State) has an open curriculum, though it is organized a bit differently than at most places.</p>
<p>Hampshire college in Mass.</p>
<p>most that have open curriculum then institute a freshman experience program that basically makes you take certain classes.</p>
<p>The one. The only.
Brown University <3</p>
<p>[College</a> Lists wiki / Open Curriculum - schools with more flexible curricula](<a href=“http://collegelists.pbwiki.com/Open+Curriculum+-+schools+with+more+flexible+curricula]College”>College Lists Wiki / Open Curriculum - schools with more flexible curricula)</p>
<p>Smith College</p>