What colleges offer Block Scheduling?

We know Colorado College does and DS is very interested in the concept. Im hoping to find more options for him to choose from.

Cornell (Iowa), Tusculum, Quest (Canada).

Thanks, merc. Surprised there aren’t more. I understand its appeal to him.

If you can ignore a hyperbolic headline to what is actually a mild opinion piece, you can try a Maclean’s article: “Beware of Block Programs.” Some possible disadvantages of block scheduling are discussed. The key, in my opinion, is not to be discouraged by this type of criticism, but to read it early in the college selection process to see whether any of the mentioned drawbacks, when balanced with the format’s benefits, are likely to be decisive for your son.

I’ve also seen some more scholarly research on the cognitive benefits of switching between subjects of markedly different content on a daily basis, but I’ve since lost track of where.