What Colleges Should I apply to?

<p>Pease read and give contructive feedback, I will chance or give feedback to others if wanted. I am wondering what colleges I should apply to based on academics. I am applying to Out Of State for everything except for U-Madison. I am 95% sure I want to go to Med school so I'm looking for great science schools, specifically Biology. Here are my stats
White, middle-upper class
School- highly competitive high school- Im not going to give class rank, but I am about top 15%
ACT- 32
UW GPA 3.95
W GPA 4.19
Honors- Geometry, Biology, Precalculus
AP- Physics, Psychology, English Language and Composition, European History
- My only B was in 1st semester Honors Geometry freshman year
-only 2 years of spanish
Senior classes
AP Bio
AP Chem
AB Calculus
AP Lit and Comp
AP Stats

-Key club 3 years, exec board 1 of these years
-NHS 2 years
-Students Against Destructive Decisions 2 year, exec board 1 of these years
-Year Book Club 2 years</p>

- Varsity swimming 3 years, Jv 1, Captain senior year
-Varsity Golf 1 year, JV 1 year
-Club Swimming outside of High School for past 8 years - I have been a "leader" of the team the past 2 years (not sure if this does anything)</p>

<p>Sorry for so much information and thanks for reading- If you want feedback on your posts please ask and I will try to get back to you in a couple days.</p>

<p>Um…Duke, Rice, University of Michigan,…that’s all I can think of at the moment.</p>

<p>Northwestern? Johns Hopkins?</p>

<p>what do you think my chances are at those type of schools? Do you guys think i should just apply to schools of that caliber or should i have some safeties?</p>

<p>EVERYONE should have a safety or two. Be sure that they’re financial safeties too, meaning that even if you don’t get a dime, you could still afford to go there.</p>

<p>Pitt would make a great safety, wonderful place to go for the aspiring med student.</p>

<p>Case Western would be good, too, and you ought to throw UM-Twin Cities into the mix with the MN/WI college agreement or wahtever y’all have giong on up there that will allow you to go there with in-state tuition. </p>

<p>LAC’s also are a good option and may fit a little better for yhou with some research, such as Macalaster or Beloit, and consider a third-tier University in-state with good programs and a good atmosphere, such as UW-Milwaukee or UM-Morris, as a true financial safety (think big merit $$)</p>

<p>“Public Ivies” are great for pre-med and biology/chemistry:</p>

<p>University of Virginia
University of Maryland
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign</p>

<p>See [Public</a> Ivy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Ivy]Public”>Public Ivy - Wikipedia) for more.</p>

<p>Case is a great idea, I agree. Look at University of Rochester. How about Carleton. Amherst may be a good reach, as well as Bates. They have good premed programs. Keep in mind that premed is very competitive. Many people advise going someplace where you will be able to maintain the best grades possible, rather than automatically choosing the most competitive school that you can gain admission to. Many people also advise not borrowing or spending too much money on the undergraduate school.</p>

<p>Might want to look at Holy Cross-located near Boston. HC has a great pre-med program and new science building. Holy Cross also has Div1 sports program and strong alumni network.</p>



<p>I think you need to be very cautious about applying to schools where 90% plus are in the top 10% of their class when you are not. Fine to thrown in a few as reaches, but the vast majority of the sub 10% who were not in the top 10% are hooked.</p>