<p>If I'm a mostly A (though some Bs) student at a competitive private high school that often sends students to top schools (i.e., around 80 to Ivies in the past 5 years with an average graduating class of less than 100), and am taking the toughest courses available to me, along with high SATs (over 2100), and some good ECs (school newspaper, Model U.N., started a club about politics, intern with a congressman), what colleges should I look at?</p>
<p>I'm interested in history and politics, specifically Russian history and language, and political theory.</p>
<p>Also, as a note, all of my Bs in high school were in math and science courses, if that is a help in this.</p>
<p>So where should I look in the categories of Reach, Good Match, and Safety?</p>
<p>I'm not sure of the exact average, but most everyone I've talked to has gotten over 2100 on the SATs, and we actually had around five or six people get over 2300 this year (out of a Junior classs size of less than 100).</p>
<p>Oh, and there was one perfect SAT score this year.</p>
<p>Also, would a National University or a LAC be better for what I'm looking for? I know I'd get more attention at a LAC but would it be easier to get into Grad School at a University or a LAC? Where is there more undergrad research?</p>
<p>I recently used a college search site to narrow my college searches. I read about [url=<a href="http://www.myusearch.com%5DmyUsearch%5B/url">http://www.myusearch.com]myUsearch[/url</a>] on the Washington Post forum and I really like that, but I also think Collegeboard has a good site as well. They gave me a lot of ideas for schools that I had never even heard of, but after researching them more closely, they seem to be great suggestions. Hope that helps.</p>
<p>In terms of social scene, I really don't have that much of a preference. Except I'd prefer to not go to a party school, I want to go to more of an intellectual place, or a place where there is a group with intellectuals.</p>