What counts as an "experience"?

<p>I'm filling out an application for Tech that tells me to list "significant and interesting service, leadership, or learning experiences". What counts as an experience though? For instance, can teaching myself how to paint/draw be considered an experience? </p>

<p>Thanks for the help! :)</p>

<p>I think that is a perfect example! Is shows passion, an ability to learn on your own, the drive and desire to develop a talent!</p>

<p>“Experience” may be one of the most overused words in the English language, especially when it comes to college applications! After all, everything a human does is an experience - even my typing this post response is an “experience”. But the beauty of the word is that it essentially allows the essay writer the broadest opportunity to write about anything you want. And so writing about how you taught yourself to draw is a great topic! Best wishes!</p>


<p>I recommend describing a “learning experience” that supports or explains your interest in your major. This is another opportunity to “sell” yourself to the reviewers and demonstrate how your interest in your major has developed. Good luck!</p>