What counts as "community service"?

<p>I have done about 250 hours at a local place, called the "Che Cafe". They are a coop that does all sorts of student and community projects, such as "food not bombs" homeless food, host community and student events, and other such things. Would this count as community service.</p>

<p>if they are a non profit I think that would count as a community service
what wouldnt' count ( at least IMO) would be working for free at a place that is just too cheap to pay you,like one of the students I am helping who sweeps up at her sisters hair salon. Its nice that she is helping her sister, but it doesn't seem like community service to me.</p>

<p>That counts as community service...you don't get payed for community service - its voluntary and does exactly what it says...helps the community in one way or another.</p>