I have a question for the performance task. I have to do the create task for this class as part of the ap exam, and in-class we use a program called Code Studio. Is it ok for me to take some apps we made in code-studio, modify it, according to the collegeboard’s standards and then use it on the ap csp exam tasks? For example, like the color sleuth, image scroller (my favorite things) and clicker games, etc;? Thank you for anyone who understands!
Yes it is okay. You just have to be careful that you modify/add to it enough to satisfy the requirements (make sure to write new code in addition to what’s already there!). I’m in AP CSP as well, and asking questions about the instructions IS fine as long as you’re not getting help on writing your actual responses or having someone else write the code for you, but I’d advise you to be careful which questions you ask about the AP performance tasks, just because they emphasize how it needs to be “independent”.
Good luck!
I’m a student in AP CSP. While I’d advise starting anew with your program, you may just want to copy an old creation and optimize it for use in the create task. You’re required to have an algorithm consisting of mathematical/logical concepts which consists of two subset algorithms, each clearly labeled and defined. I’d recommend a main ‘encompassing’ function that calls upon two other functions/procedures within. The abstraction is more general. I’d stick with a procedural abstraction, as its the easiest to explain in terms of readability, modularity, and editability.
Keep in mind that the performance tasks are due in 6 days, and most schools will want to err well on the safeside of that deadline.
Thank you so much for the help!