What courses should I take at my local community college during summer?

<p>I was wondering if you guys have experience with it? I'm interested in pretty much everything except for math. (I'm not bad at it so if a course needs math it's not out of the question, just not a math course lol)</p>

<p>should I take physics? I've never taken physics in high school and i feel like it's a piecing piece in my science edu going into college. I'm not that passionate about the idea of physics but I wouldn't reject it w/o a try.
Or should I take something I'm genuinely interested in? like history or bio?</p>

<p>thanks for your input and I would love to hear about any community college classes you took! (difficulties, difference between high school and cc, hmwk load, test format, etc) </p>

<p>P.S I posted this in another forum but got no replies haha</p>