What cut-off for sending SAT score?

790 math 710 reading/writing 1500 combined.
4.4 weighted with 16 AP classes after this year.
Desired major is Engineering.
Submit SAT scores or not?
National Hispanic Recognition Program
Varsity sports, NHS, Science NHS, Mathlete, Science Olympiads, AP Chem and AP Calc Tutor

I’d say yes, submit the score. For engineering, math matters more than ebrw, and 790 is fantastic. 710 on ebrw still gets you within the middle 50% range.


Submit it with confidence, it is a nice complement to the rest of your application! Good luck.


Definitely! That SAT would be fine at any school, and the 790 for someone who is planning on engineering? Fantastic!


it is amazing that this is even a question. 1500? this will not automatically get you in to top schools, but it also can’t hurt you.

you will hear many stories of perfect scores (1600) getting rejected from top schools. and I guarantee that there are people in those schools with 1500’s and Leven ower. it’s one factor.


What about 790 math/660 reading/writing? It is lower than their 25% but we would like to show the good math score, especially considering his GPA is only 3.51u/3.94w

Submit it - great score!