What Dartmouth doesn't tell you

<p>so what's the dirt, so to speak, on Dartmouth? what will admissions officers/ tour guides NOT tell you?</p>

<p>If you wrote, in Courier New size 14, “B4HL87” for your CommonApp essay (had to select the choice for which person influenced you the most), you’re automatically guaranteed admission.</p>

<p>They accept a check for four years tuition (or reduced tuition with a financial aid application and your family’s tax returns) in lieu of an application/transcript.</p>

<p>The rule above doesn’t allow for financial aid.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Drinkin’ Time](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avYUL1A-WUM]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avYUL1A-WUM)</p>

<p>Thank you very much, hmom5. That was absolutely hilarious!</p>

<p>That was really funny. I wish there had been a reaction shot of the parents in the tour group.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - DYE Prank](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOQP738hnPY]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOQP738hnPY)</p>

<p>^I actually think this video is funnier. It’s also a lot more referenced among Dartmouth students.</p>

<p>Also, everybody’s question to me/us '12s is if we could tell it was a joke/if we fell for it. I think we all knew it was a joke, but some students in the video didn’t know how to react. I guess we’ll never really know if people took it seriously (because they might not have matriculated). Maybe we should poll some Yale '12s.</p>

<p>I’ve never come across that girl who said ‘Why not H, P’? A ton of the other students in the video are actual '12s though.</p>

<p>(Edit: Aerialblue, where are you?)</p>

<p>lol priceless.</p>

<p>OMG thanks for the laugh!!!</p>

<p>I had seen drinking time before but that dye video was hilarious omg</p>

<p>We help them out with transfer apps, and uh…mostly transfer apps.</p>

<p>Too funny. Thanks for posting both videos.</p>

<p>Shoes… they all wear shoes.</p>

<p>Harvard has dropped really low in the rankings. They’re in the second tier section… on the website. They’re not in the print issue anymore.</p>

<p>See you at Denny’s… ACCEPTO!</p>

<p>What’s that stick for? It’s for your ass.</p>

<p>Drinking time was absolutely, 150% EPIC.
I love how they used the tune of Steppy Time for part of it, lmao.</p>

<p>Oh. My. God. I think I almost peed myself laughing at that “drinking time” video. :smiley:
My favorite part is where all the students run out of the building. XD</p>

<p>Has Keggy been returned?</p>

DYE was awesome…so was drinking time…

<p>This one’s not by the Jacko (the humor magazine), but a college drinking song performed by the Aires (an all-male a cappella group):</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Son of a Gun- Dartmouth Aires [A Cappella]](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK-MqLBC084]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK-MqLBC084)</p>

<p>A true story.<br>
A fellow Dartmouth student friend of my son transferred to Yale. A good basis for this in that the friend was a dynamite playwright and Yale likely has the best theater program going.
The friend had a romantic relationship at Yale with a student who had completely faked his identity to get in, and was several years overage to boot.
The friend told my son about the fraud, but my son disbelieved him- the ramblings of a creative person. The fraud later hit the NYTimes and was a subject of much merriment on IvyGateBlog.</p>

<p>Halfway through DYE I realized that this was a prank on prospective students. I’m slow. Especially when the title says ‘prank’.</p>