<p>In a bit of a dilemma, as we have to wait until January to find out if we're admitted.</p>
<p>Although this may not apply to most on this forum, you may know people who were in similar circumstances.</p>
<p>Worst case scenario: your child doesn't get accepted</p>
<p>Worse case scenario: your child gets accepted, but not enough scholarship money to attend without going into major debt</p>
<p>Bad scenario: child gets accepted, but goes on a campus visit, and for some reason or other, decides doesn't want to go. </p>
<p>What do you do?</p>
<p>You've missed deadlines on applications for admissions, honors programs, scholarships on other schools, and you're left with inferior choices at costs you'd rather not incur, and every parent's nightmare, you're too late to get housing at the other options that may be available to you. </p>
<p>I guess this situation could occur at any other school that doesn't let you know if you're in or if you get the scholarship until well into the spring.</p>
<p>Signed, </p>
<p>Sleepless Nights</p>
<p>Whoa, whoa, whoa…Montegut, these are some ugly late-night nerves talking here.</p>
<p>The only way your scenario makes any sense is if your child is only submitting one college application and only to Marquette.</p>
<p>The only sensible approach to this whole college app situation is to submit multiple applications to colleges where one has a reasonable expectation of acceptance, and to NOT fall in love with any one college until acceptances and financial aid offers are in hand. So your “worse/worst case” scenarios shouldn’t matter. Your child will have options. And there should be no missed deadlines, because your child’s applications have been submitted concurrently; and deposits are not required until May, leaving your child plenty of time to make an informed decision.</p>
<p>The vast majority of schools do not send acceptances and financial aid packages until spring. But you know this. Why the anxiety?</p>
<p>Oops. First off, shouldn’t have posted this on the Marquette forum. More appropriate for a parent forum. </p>
<p>No, not only applying to Marquette, and no, Marquette is not only option, but just using Marquette as an example of a school that doesn’t give you a decision until January.</p>
<p>Many of our other options are schools that do offer rolling admissions, and they are also schools that require you to apply for honors colleges and housing fairly early, much earlier than a Marquette or similar school decision will be made.</p>
<p>But really, an honest plea for help from someone who has been in a similar situation and how they handled it. </p>
<p>Now, how do I move this into the parent forum, for those of you savvy to this cc tech stuff?</p>
<p>Just repost your original post on the Parents Forum; no one will even notice that it’s already been posted here (how many people peruse the Marquette forums
?). But be sure that you substitute he for the we in the first sentence. Folks will jump all over you for thinking that you are going to college with your son.</p>
<p>Thanks, Archie, that’s funny.</p>
<p>Yea, sometimes I do think I’m going to be going with him for college.</p>
<p>Got to get over the helicopter syndrome.</p>
<p>Anyway, seems my rant did help me get some things off my chest, because I did actually sleep a few hours last night.</p>
<p>Thanks again.</p>