<p>In a bit of a dilemma, as we have to wait until January to find out if son is admitted to his top choice</p>
<p>Want to get some feedback from parents who have either had to deal with this or know people who have </p>
<p>Worst case scenario: your child doesn't get accepted</p>
<p>Worse case scenario: your child gets accepted, but not enough scholarship money to attend without going into major debt</p>
<p>Bad scenario: child gets accepted, but goes on a campus visit, and for some reason or other, decides doesn't want to go.</p>
<p>What do you do?</p>
<p>You've missed deadlines on applications for admissions, honors programs, scholarships at other schools, and you're left with inferior choices at costs you're rather not incur, and every parent's nightmare, you're too lae to get housing at the other options that may be available to you.</p>
<p>I guess this situation could occur at any other school that doesn't let you know if you're in or if you get the scholarship until well into the spring.</p>
<p>Sleepless Nights</p>
<p>As an addendum: I know you're not supposed to apply to only one school, and I know you should visit your top choice before you fall in love with it, but even if you've done these things, emotions change, weather changes, finances change. A lot of water flows under the bridge between that fall deadline and that spring notification.</p>
<p>Any advice?</p>
<p>Thanks for any help for a first time college mom.</p>