<p>@madbean: That's great! It's my ideal perfect day. ^.^</p>
<p>Tell me honest thoughts! (My thought is...if they suck..then whatev cause I can't change what I already turned in so who cares!)</p>
<p>Three words:
Free-spirited, OPINIONATED, Outgoing</p>
<p>Favorite leisure activity: playing tennis on a sunny summer day trying to hit like Andre!!</p>
<p>Role Model: My dad? (even tho he's in debt lmao..which is why i have to pay for my college..some role model. what was i thinkin lol?)</p>
<p>Favorite musical performer: U2!!!!</p>
<p>Most prized possession: Family lol</p>
<p>Favorite Food: Pizza. i could eat it any day, any style, any toppings!</p>
<p>Last book: Dreams from my Father, by Obammmms</p>
<p>Best movie: Erin Brockovich cause the message is so powerful.</p>
<p>Favorite quote: "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."</p>
<p>CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK! currently staring at my collection of books... although not on purpose cause they are on my bookself which is right infront of where my desk is.... didn't get to see choke though which makes me sad :(</p>
<p>i like your quote londonx105.
Fight Club was a sick movie, should have put it lol.
disasterpiece...did you write a role model when you sent in? If you didn't, it might negatively effect the app right?</p>
<p>*Three words to describe yourself:
cosmopolitan, reliable, meticulous
*Favorite leisure activity:
Scouring for recipes and cooking a big dinner for my family.
*Role model:
My older brother, Michael.
*Favorite musical performer/band/composer:<br>
*Most prized possession:
My box of momentos from my family vacations.
*Favorite food:
My homemade Parmesan Risotto.
*Last book you read for pleasure:
Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen
*Best movie of all time:
The Italian Job
*Favorite quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
*Dream job:
Urban Developer/Planner</p>
<p>No, I really did put that I could not think of a role model on the quick takes, but I don't really see how it could affect me negatively.</p>