What did you write about for the essay (May SAT Writing)

<p>I stated that rules and limitations increase happiness </p>

<p>my examples were:</p>

<p>How rules that guaranteed women and black rights in the 1940s - 1970s drastically increased the level of happiness in two, extremely prevalent parties in america</p>

<p>How limitations on Nixon's presidential power during the Watergate Scandal, and the rules the supreme court upheld, ultimately led to his impeachment, which thrilled both the common man and the constitution, because it ended a long, corrupted process</p>

<p>Student Dress Codes: How it limited student’s expression of themselves.</p>

<p>Same-Sex marriage laws: How they prevent same-sex couples from being together and thus, taking away their happiness</p>

<p>Womens rights and I talked about a personal experience about driving laws and permit laws. (Couldn’t think of anything else, really stupid lol)</p>

<p>good choice - i liked the essay…was easy to both defend and refute it</p>

<p>Late 1800s in the South
Temple Grandin and how she faced many rules/obstacles</p>

<p>American Revolution, the current situation in the Middle East, and Orwell’s 1984.</p>

<p>Brave New World imposing limitations through genetic engineering and removing freedom to be happy and implicit rules of society in Catcher in the Rye forcing people into an unhappy form of success.</p>

<p>Please tell me the SAT has multiple essay prompts, mine was NOT this at all…</p>

<p>Herman Hesse siddhartha
1984 George orwell
Rationing by japan in ww2</p>

<p>Thoreau getting thrown in jail
Vietnam War draft
Into the Wild
Finished it up with Gandhi and being influenced by thoreau. :)</p>

<p>Erik Wenheinmayer (blind man who climbed Mt. Everest)
Shigeru Miyamoto who didn’t have any rules and was allowed to explore caves and forests as a young child.
Bill gates who ignored his limitations of university life and started his own company.</p>

<p>Locke, Hobbes, and a few others.</p>

<p>Catcher in the Rye
Lord of the Flies</p>


<p>Calm down. There should be at least 4 different prompts going around. Mine was about whether people achieve more alone or through teamwork.</p>

<p>my examples were also student dress code! and then drinking age. i liked the topic but i still feel like my example were ehh BUT way better than the last prompt on reality television</p>

<p>Osama bin laden… Hitler… And the US Nation</p>

<p>I related how limitations and rules helped channel my ambitions and kindle my desires to become an official member of the Catholic church. I said that as a kid, I always wanted to participate in Communion, but my mother always told me there were certain rules and restrictions that have existed as long as the Christianity has been around that didnt allow me to receive Communion until I received my first Holy Communion. Thus, those limitations made me determined to grow in my faith and then be Confirmed into the parish, which ultimately brought me happiness. </p>

<p>Any thoughts/criticisms?</p>

<p>I agreed with the essay prompt. I talked about Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and how rules and limitations correlate with safety and a feeling of belonging. Then I talked about anarchy,and then wrote another paragraph about how some countries take limitations too far (Libya) and then I ended it saysing without rules we’d be living on a system of primal urges.
I alkso talked about the fact that if people disgree with limations,there’s always the oppurtunity to rebel against it (women’s suffurage and black rights).</p>

<p>Wait, are we talking about the same prompt? Mine was something related to success and one’s own efforts. I disagreed and gave examples from literature, history and my own experience.</p>

<p>I said that limitations do not bring people happiness</p>

<p>China’s censorship on information and internet
Romeo and Juilet’s forced seperation</p>