<p>I qualified it.</p>
<p>-1984 by George Orwell, too many rules: no happiness
-Anarchist Spanish Revolution: too few rules/laws: chaos which created lack of happiness
-Denmark as the world’s happiest country: fair, reasonable laws which lowers the crime rate and increases happiness</p>
<p>Can someone reassure me I did alright on the essay?</p>
<p>I wrote about the American Revolution; admitted that it was “oft-cited” yet “still embodied how limitations inhibit our happiness”</p>
<p>BS’ed a story about Warren Buffet being hindered by the board of trustees when first acquiring Berkshire Hathaway, how it led to a plummet in the stock value of the company, putting thousands of workers out of jobs. </p>
<p>I played it well, but the truth is that Buffet had almost 100% of Hathaway as soon as he bought it, because he was the primary shareholder. They don’t know that though…at least I hope not…</p>
<p>I wrote to the last line, and actually had to erase the last sentence and write it really tiny to fit my whole conclusion</p>
<p>uh buddy (sid) nixon was never impeached…</p>
<p>My promt: Can real succes be achieved only by your own. Smth like that.</p>
<p>Examples (disagreed):
1)French Revoliution
2)Micheal Jordan (I hope it’s a valid exaple, I mean dude’s a legend)</p>
<p>Also i only got 2 exaples, I never manage 3.</p>
<p>I got the one that was like “do you think people should work less so that they can be more creative and productive outside of work”</p>
<p>i basically said that you should not look at work/school as brain dulling, it should be an opportunity to learn and better yourself so that you have more of a foundation to base your creativity upon.</p>
<p>talked about einstein, how he worked hard, got chemistry degrees, then discovered the mass energy equivalence </p>
<p>then JFK, how he worked hard at harvard, and was able to come up with creative responses to communism…</p>
<p>I wrote it pretty well, hoping for a 10+</p>
<p>The Great Gatsby
<p>Completely BSED all 3 to fit the prompt LOL.</p>
<p>hey for the essay i was blanking out and ended up writing about a high school football player who died because of over work and dehydration in practice and how limits on hours of practice of high school football r important because for safety reasons and also wrote about “fast passes” at disney world how theres a limit on how u can only get 1 every 2 hours so its fair and theres enough for everyone…i feel like those r bad topics though!
…wat do u guys think??</p>
<p>Topic: Does work or school make you play less “creatively” and actively?</p>
<p>Stance: No, it does not. </p>
[ul][<em>]Their Eyes Were Watching God- Janie has more fun with Tea Cake although she works far more with him than with Jody and Logan.
[</em>]Robert Oppenheimer and how he went hiking more when he started worknig on the Manhattan Project. (complete BS, was running out of ideas)[/ul]</p>
<p>Had the same “creativity” prompt as dvdhsu…so much better then the March photo SAT prompt. </p>
<p>I wrote about “Into the Wild” and Stephen Hawking and argued that work had no correlation with your creativity and activity.</p>
<p>I had the creativity prompt as well. I agreed that time off from work/school can make someone more creative and active.</p>
<p>First example - Emil Bergson from O Pioneers! In his time away from the drudgery of the farm, Emil excels at track and learns guitar to impress Marie Shabata.</p>
<p>Second example - Teddy Roosevelt, and how his childhood sickliness gave him time for unconventional learning. Instead of attending traditional grade school, Teddy became an avid hunter and taxidermist, eventually taking these experiences with him to Harvard.</p>
<p>What say you?</p>
<p>Talked about how rules stifle happiness and breed discontent.</p>
The Namesake
American colonies
Soviet Bloc</p>
Citizen Kane
12 Angry Men</p>
<p>Man, I had the success one, and I think I’ll get a 0 on it D:
I said about how Rosa Parks took a stand on her own during the Jim Crow law and how she had success in sparking the civil right movement. And about how Gatsby turned his life around by himself in order to become more prosperous and thus get Daisy back. Someone PLEASE calm me down and tell me I didn’t flunk it</p>
<p>doubt you’ll flunk it. if its semi-on topic and you’re a good writer you’ll get atleast a 7 or 8</p>
<p>I had the rules and limitations one:</p>
<p>United Nations and college honor codes
threw in a quote by winston churchill =]</p>
<p>I had the prompt about rules/limitation and happiness.</p>
<p>The Great Gatsby - society’s rules kept Daisy and Gatsby apart
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Nurse Ratched’s rules kept the patients from achieving happiness</p>
<p>I’m so happy i got the rules and limitations one. My two universal examples that I always use on SAT practice tests are Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell.</p>
<p>Couldn’t have been anymore perfect :)</p>
<p>Topic: Does work or school make you play less “creatively” and actively?</p>
<p>Made up 2 LONG, well developed personal anecdotes - Interested in seeing how I do lol</p>
<p>i don’t know the exact prompt because i had the one about rules and limitations, but i seriously doubt you’ll get a zero. i’m sure you heard about the march essay, the one about “reality tv” [it actually said reality entertainment but most people wrote about reality tv]. i didn’t write ANYTHING about tv on the essay and i was so nervous that i was gonna get a 0. the point is, i still mentioned reality and the main ideas of the prompt, and ended up getting a 10. what you think is “off topic” is probably just a less direct way of answering the question, just as i did. your essay would be only be considered off topic if you wrote about something COMPLETELY different than what was asked. although i don’t know the exact question, i know that you wrote about achieving success on your own which is what the prompt basically asked about, so that’s all that matters. i’m sure you’ll do fine.</p>
<p>anyways, i got the rules and limitations one and i wrote about George Orwell’s 1984 and William Golding’s Lord of the Flies</p>