What did you write your SFS essay on?

<p>Just curious to see what other people chose for topics.</p>

<p>Last year I wrote about the Yasukuni Shrine controversy in Japan. I just took a Japanese studies thing so it was fresh in my mind and I could write it without a lot of research. Some Wikipedia fact checking LOL.</p>

<p>What did you do yours on, simpson. I'm not telling until you do...</p>

<p>I wrote mine on Tibet, which I know might sound trite, but I think it came off pretty decently.</p>


<p>What else but ... globalization?! (In my home country in particular.)</p>

<p>Bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan</p>

<p>ugh i talked about the recession which is so unoriginal but my dad basically forced me too...</p>

<p>The urban migration in Post-Opening and Reform China.</p>

<p>The emergence of China in the world, and basically that the united states should utilize it, rather than fight it.</p>

<p>^ me too, lol.</p>

<p>I wrote on American’s view of Arabs in the United States. I had taken a course in Arabic and the professor was really great. We talked a lot about the prejudice he experienced and how many people thought he must know terrorists just because he was from the Middle East.</p>

<p>i talked about turkeys accession to the EU</p>

<p>I talked about OPEC cartel since I wanna major in International political economy</p>

<p>Lesley! lol</p>

<p>I wrote mine on the conflicts in the Kashmir region-- globalization, open markets, & govt. transparency to solve the conflicts</p>

<p>Overconsumption and the industrialization of the third world.</p>

<p>the effects of inexpensive pornography on slum children in Ulan Bator from 1985 to 2005</p>

<p>I wrote about Sudan… while this may sound like a safe, almost clich</p>

<p>I chose to do obesity. But now I’m not sure if I should switch it or not… because it’s not that “current”… right?</p>

<p>I wrote on oil and its effect on environment and the world economy in addition to the idea that western nations like US and UK are giving money to nations (like Iran) that in turn pass it on to terrorists. (accepted)</p>